Bundle a newer version of a python library for a point release?

Jesse Keating jkeating at j2solutions.net
Fri Aug 20 17:58:24 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

Here is the situation.  In EPEL6 we'd like to ship Trac 0.12.  This is
the latest upstream release and since upstream tends to do db format
changes between releases we'd like to start with the newest one and run
with it.

However trac 0.12 requires python-genshi 0.6, and RHEL6(.0) will ship
with python-genshi-0.5.x.  I've put in an RFE to get that updated in
RHEL6.1.  There is good chance, but not a guarantee that this will happen.

One way out of this situation I see is to (temporarily?) bundle
python-genshi 0.6 with the Trac package, solely for the use of the Trac
package.  It'd require that Trac maintainers become bugzilla watchers
(somehow...) of python-genshi so that we can see any bugs or updates and
make sure they get applied if necessary.

I really don't want to ship trac 0.11 with EPEL6.  It won't likely have
a super long life upstream which would put us in a bad situation of
having to support it ourselves and try to roll security fixes for it
ourselves (which was !fun on older EPEL branches for older Trac).  The
only other option I see here is to withold Trac from EPEL6 until
(maybe?) RHEL6.1 which also doesn't seem like a fun option.

Looking for other ideas, or thoughts on the above.  Thanks!

- -- 
Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
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