EPEL rhel7 final content

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Wed Jun 25 15:28:50 UTC 2014

On Wed, 25 Jun 2014 08:23:24 -0700
Jeff Sheltren <jeff at tag1consulting.com> wrote:

> Awesome, thanks!
> Is there a plan/schedule for getting epel-7 builds into the normal
> git/koji/bodhi workflow?  Is that waiting on a CentOS release, or are
> there other issues?

Well, at least centos release... but additionally: 

* We should decide what to do with packages in the beta that have
  broken deps. I'm thinking we untag them so they don't go out at all
  and maintainers need to retag them or rebuild them when deps are met
  and push them via bodhi. 

* Are there any other larger stacks of packages that maintainers are
  planning on landing? Those would be good to do before leaving beta,
  but I don't know of any off hand. (well, aside the xfce packages that
  are branched and I need to find time to build and test). 

* We might want to write up some press around moving to normal epel7.
  Press release, announcement, etc. 


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