[EPEL-devel] Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing report

updates at fedoraproject.org updates at fedoraproject.org
Sat Feb 14 02:55:37 UTC 2015

The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
 1028  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2012-5620/bugzilla-3.4.14-2.el6
 117  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3434/pylint-1.3.1-1.el6,python-astroid-1.2.1-2.el6,python-logilab-common-0.62.1-2.el6
  93  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4008/cross-binutils-
  81  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4242/facter-1.6.18-8.el6
  69  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4485/python-tornado-2.2.1-7.el6
  51  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4884/mapserver-6.0.4-1.el6
  49  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4918/dokuwiki-0-0.23.20140929b.el6
  31  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0232/chicken-
  14  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0560/websvn-2.3.3-8.el6
  13  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0566/pigz-2.3.3-1.el6
   8  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0631/puppetlabs-stdlib-4.5.1-2.20150121git7a91f20.el6
   8  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0644/perl-Gtk2-1.2495-1.el6
   8  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0630/roundcubemail-1.0.5-1.el6
   8  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0641/moodle-2.6.8-1.el6
   7  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0664/fcgi-2.4.0-12.el6
   5  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0696/drupal7-path_breadcrumbs-3.2-1.el6
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0701/unbound-1.5.1-1.el6
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0740/python-crypto2.6-2.6.1-2.el6

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 RemoteBox-1.1-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0705)
 Open Source VirtualBox Client with Remote Management
Update Information:

Fix wrong location in binaries.

* Sun Jan 25 2015 Christopher Meng <rpm at cicku.me> - 1.1-2
- Fix wrong location of essential files.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1135944 - Incorrect location for remotebox.xml file

 dcap-2.47.9-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0745)
 Client Tools for dCache
Update Information:

New upstream release.

The most prominent change is urls with ipv6 address like:



* Tue Feb 10 2015 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert at fysast.uu.se> - 2.47.9-1
- New upstream release
- Enable tests and add BR CUnit-devel (except EPEL 5)
- Adapt to new license packaging guidelines
* Sat Aug 16 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.47.8-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.47.8-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

 dropbear-2015.67-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0731)
 SSH2 server and client
Update Information:

== 2015.67 - Wednesday 28 January 2015 ==

- Call fsync() after generating private keys to ensure they aren't lost if a reboot occurs.

- Disable non-delayed zlib compression by default on the server. Can be enabled if required for old clients with DROPBEAR_SERVER_DELAY_ZLIB

- Default client key path ~/.ssh/id_dropbear.

- Prefer stronger algorithms by default. AES256 over 3DES Diffie-hellman group14 over group1.

- Add option to disable CBC ciphers.

- Disable twofish in default options.h.

- Enable sha2 HMAC algorithms by default, the code was already required for ECC key exchange. sha1 is the first preference still for performance.

- Fix installing dropbear.8 in a separate build directory.

- Allow configure to succeed if libtomcrypt/libtommath are missing.

- Don't crash if ssh-agent provides an unknown type of key.

- Minor bug fixes, a few issues found by Coverity scan.

== 2014.66 - Thursday 23 October 2014 ==

- Use the same keepalive handling behaviour as OpenSSH. This will work better with some SSH implementations that have different behaviour with unknown message types.

- Don't reply with SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED when we receive a reply to our own keepalive message.

- Set $SSH_CLIENT to keep bash happy.

- Fix wtmp which broke since 2013.62.

* Sun Feb  1 2015 Christopher Meng <rpm at cicku.me> - 2015.67-1
- Update to 2015.67

  [ 1 ] Bug #1187879 - dropbear-2015.67 is available

 drupal6-views-2.18-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0738)
 Provides a method for site designers to control content presentation
Update Information:

Latest upstream release.

* Fri Feb 13 2015 Jon Ciesla <limburgher at gmail.com> - 2.18-1
- Update to 2.18, BZ 1192340.
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.16-6
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat Aug  3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.16-5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.16-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.16-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #1192340 - drupal6-views-2.18 is available

 fedmsg-0.12.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0747)
 Tools for Fedora Infrastructure real-time messaging
Update Information:

Additional metadata returned by conglomerate API.  Exceptions now raised when CRL is unreachable.

* Tue Feb 10 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean at redhat.com> - 0.12.0-1
- new version
- Drop test suite patch.
* Fri Nov  7 2014 Ralph Bean <rbean at redhat.com> - 0.11.1-1
- Latest upstream.
- Systemd services now restart on failure.
- Items in the conglomerators are now de-duplicated (bodhi).
- You can now call .tail_messages() while configured for active mode (koschei).
- Apply patch to try and get tests passing in koji again.
* Thu Oct 30 2014 Luke Macken <lmacken at redhat.com> - 0.11.0-3
- Add a tmpfiles.d configuration for /var/run/fedmsg
- Make the runtime path group-writable
* Wed Oct 22 2014 Luke Macken <lmacken at redhat.com> - 0.11.0-2
- Fix the permissions on the systemd service files

  [ 1 ] Bug #1189082 - tail_messages: No such file or directory: '/var/run/fedmsg/crl.pem'

 freeradius-client-1.1.7-5.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0734)
 RADIUS protocol client library
Update Information:

Ported to epel6

 layla-fonts-1.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0759)
 A collection of traditional Arabic fonts
Update Information:

Added SIL license files & FONTLOG.txt

  [ 1 ] Bug #1079090 - Review Request: layla-fonts - A collection of traditional Arabic fonts

 mongodb-2.4.12-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0744)
 High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database
Update Information:

Fix of four EPEL 6 bugs

* Tue Feb 10 2015 Marek Skalicky <mskalick at redhat.com> -  2.4.12-3
- libmongoclient.so has not dependency on tcmalloc (#1058434)
- mongodb.init won't exit before preallocating is done (#838633)
- Fixed libmongodb-devel requires (#1010535)
- Specified minimal pcre version (#1078752)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1058434 - libmongoclient.so has dependency on tcmalloc resulting in app crash after prelink
  [ 2 ] Bug #838633 - Upgraded aeolus from 1.0 to 1.0.1, kept running for a week, results in FAILURE: mongod dead but subsys locked
  [ 3 ] Bug #1010535 - dependency issue in libmongodb-devel-2.4.6-1.el6
  [ 4 ] Bug #1078752 - mongodb-server should require specific pcre version

 mozilla-https-everywhere-4.0.3-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0743)
 HTTPS/HSTS enforcement extension for Mozilla Firefox and SeaMonkey
Update Information:

  * Ruleset updates.
  * Update SSL Observatory code to match Firefox API changes in hashing.
  * Bring code in line with guidelines for addons.mozilla.org.

* Sun Feb  1 2015 Russell Golden <niveusluna at niveusluna.org> - 4.0.3-1
- Ruleset updates.
- Update SSL Observatory code to match Firefox API changes in hashing.
- Bring code in line with guidelines for addons.mozilla.org.

 netgen-mesher-5.3.1-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0754)
 Automatic mesh generation tool
Update Information:

Initial package for EL6.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1108395 - Review Request: netgen-mesher - Automatic mesh generation tool

 php-doctrine-instantiator-1.0.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0749)
 Instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors
Update Information:

* update to 1.0.4 (no change)
* add a simple generated autoloader

* Fri Feb 13 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 1.0.4-1
- update to 1.0.4 (no change)
- add autoloader

 php-horde-Horde-Alarm-2.2.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde Alarm Libraries
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.2.4-1
- Update to 2.2.4
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-alarm)

 php-horde-Horde-Core-2.19.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde Core Framework libraries
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.19.0-1
- Update to 2.19.0

 php-horde-Horde-Crypt-2.5.3-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde Cryptography API
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.5.3-1
- Update to 2.5.3
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-crypt)

 php-horde-Horde-HashTable-1.2.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde Hash Table Interface
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 1.2.2-1
- Update to 1.2.2
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-hashtable)

 php-horde-Horde-Image-2.2.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde Image API
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.2.0-1
- Update to 2.2.0
- add povides php-composer(horde/horde-image)
- add dependency on Horde_Stream
- raise dependency on Horde_Translation 2.2.0

 php-horde-Horde-Ldap-2.3.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde LDAP libraries
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Fri Feb 13 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.3.1-1
- Update to 2.3.1
* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.3.0-1
- Update to 2.3.0
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-ldap)

 php-horde-Horde-Prefs-2.7.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde Preferences API
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.7.2-1
- Update to 2.7.2
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-prefs)

 php-horde-Horde-Rpc-2.1.3-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde RPC API
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.1.3-1
- Update to 2.1.3
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-rpc)
- raise dependency on Horde_Translation 2.2.0

 php-horde-Horde-Stream-Wrapper-2.1.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde Stream wrappers
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.1.2-1
- Update to 2.1.2
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-stream-wrapper)
- enable test suite

 php-horde-Horde-Test-2.5.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde testing base classes
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.5.0-1
- Update to 2.5.0
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-test)

 php-horde-Horde-Util-2.5.3-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde Utility Libraries
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.5.3-1
- Update to 2.5.3
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-util)

 php-horde-Horde-Vfs-2.2.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Virtual File System API
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.2.2-1
- Update to 2.2.2
- add provides php-composer(horde/horde-vfs)
- raise dependency on Horde_Translation 2.2.0

 php-horde-horde-5.2.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 Horde Application Framework
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Tue Feb 10 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 5.2.4-1
- Update to 5.2.4
- provides php-composer(horde/horde)

 php-horde-imp-6.2.7-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 A web based webmail system
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Tue Feb 10 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 6.2.7-1
- Update to 6.2.7

 php-horde-ingo-3.2.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 An email filter rules manager
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Tue Feb 10 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.4-1
- Update to 3.2.4
- add provides php-composer(horde/ingo)

 php-horde-kronolith-4.2.5-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 A web based calendar
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Tue Feb 10 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.5-1
- Update to 4.2.5
- add provides php-composer(horde/kronolith)

 php-horde-mnemo-4.2.5-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 A web based notes manager
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Wed Feb 11 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.5-1
- Update to 4.2.5
- add provides php-composer(horde/mnemo)

 php-horde-nag-4.2.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 A web based task list manager
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Tue Feb 10 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.4-1
- Update to 4.2.4
- add provides php-composer(horde/nag)

 php-horde-turba-4.2.5-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0707)
 A web based address book
Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl &lt;niklas at creamarketing.com&gt;).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Tue Feb 10 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.5-1
- Update to 4.2.5
- add provides php-compposer(horde/turba)

 php-pecl-http-2.2.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0555)
 Extended HTTP support
Update Information:

Upstream Changelog

Version 2.2.0
* var_dump(http\Message) no longer automatically creates an empty body
* Added http\Message\Parser class
* Made http\Client::once() and http\Client::wait() available when using events
* Added http\Url::PARSE_MBLOC, http\Url::PARSE_MBUTF8, http\Url::PARSE_TOIDN and http\Url::PARSE_TOPCT constants
* Added http\Env\Response::setCookie()
* Added http\Env\Request::getCookie()

Version 2.2.1
* Fixed Bug #69000 (http\Url breaks down with very long URL query strings)

* Mon Feb  9 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.2.1-1
- Update to 2.2.1 (stable)
* Tue Jan 27 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.2.0-1
- Update to 2.2.0 (stable)
- add dependency on libidn

 python-GridDataFormats-0.2.4-1.el6.1 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0681)
 Read and write data on regular grids in Python
Update Information:

GridDataFormats provides the Python package 'gridData'. It contains a class ('Grid') to handle data on a regular grid --- basically NumPy n-dimensional arrays. It supports reading from and writing to some common formats (such as OpenDX).

  [ 1 ] Bug #1188895 - Review Request: python-GridDataFormats - Read and write data on regular grids in Python

 python-biopython-1.65-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0721)
 Python tools for computational molecular biology
Update Information:

Python tools for computational molecular biology.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1189067 - python-biopython EL-6 branch missing

 python-crypto2.6-2.6.1-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0740)
 Cryptography library for Python
Update Information:

* Disable C extension accelerator to avoid a timing vulnerability with the version of libgmp available on RHEL6

* Fri Feb 13 2015 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio at fedoraproject.org> - 2.6.1-2
- Remove _fastmath extension module to address timing vulnerability

  [ 1 ] Bug #1103566 - python-crypto2.6 breaks ansible in epel repository

 python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure-0.4.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0706)
 Metadata providers for Fedora Infrastructure's fedmsg deployment
Update Information:

Handle future bodhi2 messages.  rpm.sign messages now indicate the key id.
Handle new sigul messages.
Bugfix for new pkgdb messages.
Latest upstream.
Handle a new message type from the-new-hotness.  Change the way usernames are returned from pkgdb messages.

* Tue Feb 10 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean at redhat.com> - 0.4.0-1
- new version
* Tue Feb 10 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean at redhat.com> - 0.3.12-2
- Disable tests for now since they require the latest fedmsg.
* Wed Jan 28 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean at redhat.com> - 0.3.12-1
- Handle new sigul messages.
* Mon Jan 26 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean at redhat.com> - 0.3.11-1
- Bugfix for new pkgdb messages.
* Thu Jan 15 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean at redhat.com> - 0.3.10-1
- Handle a new message from the-new-hotness.
- Change the way usernames are returned from pkgdb messages.

 python-pygit2-0.20.3-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0752)
 Python 2.x bindings for libgit2
Update Information:

Initial EL6 build

  [ 1 ] Bug #1114295 - pygit2 was never built for el6

 qpid-dispatch-0.3-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0711)
 Dispatch router for Qpid
Update Information:

Disabled building documentation due to missing pandoc-pdf on EL6.

* Wed Feb 11 2015 Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com> - 0.3-2
- Disabled building documentation due to missing pandoc-pdf on EL6.
- Disabled daemon setgid.
- Fixes to accomodate Python 2.6 on EL6.
- Removed implicit dependency on python-qpid-proton in qpid-dispatch-router.
* Tue Jan 27 2015 Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com> - 0.3-1
- Rebased on Dispatch 0.3.
- Increased the minimum Proton version needed to 0.8.
- Moved all tests to the -devel package.
- Ensure executable bit turned off on systemd file.
- Set the location of installed documentation.

 sfk-1.7.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0756)
 The Swiss File Knife File Tree Processor
Update Information:

== 1.7.4 ==
* CHG: CHANGE OF DEFAULT OUTPUT OF: xhexfind, hexfind if a full /fromtext/totext/ pattern is given the hexdump output now shows the replaced output text by default. use option -dumpfrom to display the fromtext (search hits) in output.
* CHG: CHANGE OF SIMULATION OUTPUT OF: replace, xreplace, extract
 1. simulation mode now shows a hex dump by default
    instead of just statistics. use -nodump for
    the old behaviour.
 2. hex dump output now shows the replaced
    output text by default. use option -dumpfrom
    to display only the fromtext (search hits)
    as it was default before.
 option -yes behaves as always, not showing hexdumps but only statistics of the number of changes.
* CHG: STRICTER PATTERN PARSING WITH: replace, extract, xreplace a pattern like /from/to with missing "/" separator at the end now stops with an error.
* add: sfk rename, a flexible mass file rename using rename expressions.
* add: sfk xmlform: simple xml line text reformatter for convenient viewing.
* fix: linux default color with dark background: theme:black no longer uses grey but now the terminal default color by sequence {ESC}[0;0m
* fix: linux: gindex, iname used wrong home folder.
* fix: gindex: if user supplied relative dir names subsequent iname produced wrong results.
* fix: gindex: options -size or -qarc caused listing of wrong folders.
* add: snapto: option -raw to collect faster.
* chg: hexdump output colors reworked.
* chg: sfk cmd: now uses the actual current sfk binary name instead of just "sfk" for the created command
* fix: fromclip: crash on missing data.
* add: base+xd: demo of xreplace allowing output preview without writing to files.
* chg: sfk replace: unreadable files which are skipped no longer produce an error but a warning.
* chg: small syntax change: sfk chars now only accepts char or chars as command name.
* chg: help text: full rework of web references.
* add: gindex, list: option -abs to force absolute names
* add: zip dir listing: rc info on message "cannot read"
* chg: reworked knxdump output

== 1.7.3 ==
* CHG: SYNTAX CHANGE: by default, sfk xfind and xtext now show complete text lines containing one or more search hits.
 add option -pure to show only search hits as before, or change defaults by an environment variable
 SET SFK_CONFIG=xfind:pure,xtext:pure sfk xtext is now an alias of xfind -nobin, i.e. it searches only in text files.
 xfind, xtext, xhexfind, extract.
 output may look completely different now.
 many new options. reworked help text.
 CHECK YOUR BATCH FILES if the new outputs still work for you as expected.
* CHG: SYNTAX CHANGE: sfk find: patterns starting with "-" are no longer supported directly but must be prefixed by "". options can now be given after search patterns.
* add: sfk csvtotab to convert comma separated data.
* add: sfk tabtocsv to convert tab separated data to csv.
* add: sfk filter -trim, -ltrim, -rtrim to remove blanks and tab characters at start or end of lines.
* add: sfk fromclip: option -ltrim and alias "sfk lclip" to remove blanks and tabs at start of lines.
* add: sfk xfind/xex -bylinelist to specify a simplified list of search terms without any totext.
* add: sfk extract is now available in base/xd.
* add: sfk view: improved help if dview is not found.
* add: xed, xex: direct reading of zip file entries.
* chg: sfk view: now passing through all non sfk options and parameters as is, like "-tab 8". parms with blanks are enquoted.
* chg: source code cleanup: removed patch.cpp and inst.cpp, integrated them into sfknet.cpp and renamed this to sfkext.cpp for easy compilation.
* chg: default replace color with theme:white now purple on windows and linux.
* chg: sfk xex -showparts now shows only part numbers then stops processing.
* chg: xreplace: improved [lstart] handling.
* fix: xreplace: character classes at start of pattern with a zero min length like in "/[0.100 white]foo/" did not work in case of zero length hit.
* chg: hexfind: now using wide hexdump.
* chg: xed, xex: without any patterns it now passes through input unmodified.
* fix: filter +xed produced LF i/o CRLF under windows.
* fix: (x)hexfind: did not show absolute offset in file.
* fix: (x)hexfind: ignored windows console width.
* fix: extract, xfind -tofile: -nofile was ignored.
* add: sfk cmd n, print a command n from the help text as one long line.
* add: web reference info per command.
* fix: zip sub entry direct read: missing set of size and time after provideInput.
* fix: line start state after [lend] match.
* del: unused internal command freezeto.

* Thu Feb 12 2015 Christopher Meng <rpm at cicku.me> - 1.7.4-1
- Update to 1.7.4
* Thu Jan 29 2015 Christopher Meng <rpm at cicku.me> - 1.7.3-1
- Update to 1.7.3

  [ 1 ] Bug #1191506 - sfk-1.7.4 is available

 trac10-1.0.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0726)
 Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system
Update Information:



* Mon Feb  9 2015 Jon Ciesla <limburgher at gmail.com> - 1.0.4-1
- 1.0.4, BZ 1190528

  [ 1 ] Bug #1190528 - Update to latest release

 unbound-1.5.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0701)
 Validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver
Update Information:

Updated to 1.5.1 for CVE-2014-8602 (rhbz#1172067)

* Mon Feb  9 2015 Paul Wouters <pwouters at redhat.com> - 1.5.1-1
- Updated to 1.5.1 for CVE-2014-8602 (rhbz#1172067)
- Enable ECDSA (but not GOST)
- ldns is no longer a used by unbound
- Pull in getauxval test for older libc

  [ 1 ] Bug #1172067 - CVE-2014-8602 unbound: specially crafted request can lead to denial of service [epel-all]

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