[EPEL-devel] python34 packages for EPEL

Matěj Cepl mcepl at cepl.eu
Fri Jul 17 23:17:50 UTC 2015

On 2015-07-15, 22:41 GMT, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> We now have python34 in EPEL (yay - thanks Matej and others!).  Starting to
> look at packaging some modules.  We have
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bkabrda/EPEL7_Python3 as a starting point
> which looks pretty good.  One wrinkle though is that we have a bunch of
> python2 packages provided by RHEL that we'll want to provide python3X versions
> for in EPEL, but not ship python2 versions.  So a question becomes, where do
> they get maintained?  Either:

YAY!!! I am on vacations, so I have missed this awesome 
announcement, but THANK YOU! I have immediately installed this 
over my hotel wifi ;) and I have started to play with it. Of 
course, the first thing I tried was to run

$ python3

and was surprised when I was greeted with “command not found”.  
I looked at the Slávek’s page and found this about 

    * "/usr/bin/python3" belongs to the "stable" python3X stack.  
      Switching /usr/bin/python3 from python3X to python3X+1 
      happens shortly before the end of transitional period (== 
      before obsoleting python3X) and it is announced on 

    * Usage of "/usr/bin/python3" is discouraged in favour of 
      using /usr/bin/python3.X explicitly. 

I have probably missed somewhere in the previous discussion, but 
I cannot find:

    a) What happened to /usr/bin/python3? Is the discrepancy 
       with the abovequoted first point a bug or something 

    b) Is this omission somehow related to the second point?  (I 
       can understand the second point for the EPEL packaging) 
       Yes, I understand that /usr/bin/python3 provides lower 
       level of guaranteed API stability than 
       /usr/bin/python3.*, but my reading of 
       http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/ was that 
       there should be a /usr/bin/python3 when python3 has been 
       installed.  What’s wrong with my understanding of this 

Best and thanks again very much!


http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mcepl at ceplovi.cz
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