Fedora EPEL 6 Update: fusioninventory-agent-2.1.9-3.el6

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Tue Oct 11 02:03:37 UTC 2011

Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2011-09-25 18:33:48

Name        : fusioninventory-agent
Product     : Fedora EPEL 6
Version     : 2.1.9
Release     : 3.el6
URL         : http://fusioninventory.org/
Summary     : FusionInventory agent
Description :
FusionInventory Agent is an application designed to help a network
or system administrator to keep track of the hardware and software
configurations of computers that are installed on the network.

This agent can send information about the computer to a OCS Inventory NG
or GLPI server with the FusionInventory for GLPI plugin.

You can add additional packages for optional tasks:

* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-OcsDeploy
    OCS Inventory Software deployment support
* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-NetDiscovery
    Network Discovery support
* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-SNMPQuery
    SNMP Query support
* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-ESX
    vCenter/ESX/ESXi remote inventory

Edit the /etc/sysconfig/fusioninventory-agent file for service configuration.

Update Information:

FusionInventory Agent is an application designed to help a network or system administrator to keep track of the hardware and software configurations of computers that are installed on the network.

This agent can send information about the computer to a OCS Inventory NG or GLPI server with the FusionInventory for GLPI plugin.

You can add additional packages for optional tasks:

* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-OcsDeploy:    OCS Inventory Software deployment support
* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-NetDiscovery:    Network Discovery support
* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-SNMPQuery:    SNMP Query support
* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-ESX:    vCenter/ESX/ESXi remote inventory

Edit the /etc/sysconfig/fusioninventory-agent file for service configuration.


This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update fusioninventory-agent' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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