Fedora EPEL 5 Update: django-evolution-0.6.5-1.el5.3

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Thu Sep 15 19:36:46 UTC 2011

Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2011-08-23 18:59:53

Name        : django-evolution
Product     : Fedora EPEL 5
Version     : 0.6.5
Release     : 1.el5.3
URL         : http://code.google.com/p/django-evolution/
Summary     : Schema evolution for Django
Description :
When you run ./manage.py syncdb, Django will look for any new models that
have been defined, and add a database table to represent those new models.
However, if you make a change to an existing model, ./manage.py syncdb will
not make any changes to the database.

This is where Django Evolution fits in. Django Evolution is an extension to
Django that allows you to track changes in your models over time, and to
update the database to reflect those changes.

Update Information:

- New upstream release 1.5.6
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.5.6/
- New Features:
- The PATH environment variable is now shown in the error when patch.exe
- can't be found, in order to help figure out where it needs to go
- rb-site more clearly informs that an existing database with valid
- permissions is needed for installation
- rb-site now lists recommendations for different services, and lists
- options that aren’t officially supported
- Tabs in the diff viewer are now marked up, allowing custom stylesheets to
- display them differently. By default, they don’t look any different
- Added Fedora Hosted to the hosting provider options
- Editing a field and then canceling it on a review request now prompts for
- confirmation before discarding the new text
- Control-S now saves the current text in review request fields
- We now support storing lots of text in the Description and Testing Done
- fields on MySQL
- Performance Improvements:
- Review Board now requires Pygments 1.4 or higher. Older installations
- running older versions of Pygments should get a performance increase when
- rendering diffs
- Bug Fixes:
- Using Review Board with wsgi without mod_python installed on the system no
- longer prevents Review Board from breaking
- Screenshot draft captions are now always displayed correctly. Previously,
- only the main caption would display, making them appear blank on new
- uploads
- Changing screenshot draft captions now invalidates the cache, allowing
- them to be seen when reloading the page
- When sending an e-mail, we no longer crash if the sender has no e-mail
- address
- Caching really long files or diffs now works more consistently.
- Previously, it was possible for the data to not be stored correctly
- Fixed a date range calculation sometimes causing the log viewer to fail on
- the first of the month
- Failing to load the Review Board News feed in the administration UI due to
- a proxy will no longer cause an HTTP 500 error to display
- Invalid bug tracker URLs (those containing more than one %s, for example)
- in the administration UI no longer breaks review requests
- The Mercurial support no longer overrides the SSH client configuration if
- one is already provided
- The recaptcha_client dependency has been renamed to recaptcha-client. Both
- technically work, but the former is more correct and makes packaging
- easier
- Fixed a few occasional errors that could show up on the dashboard under
- certain conditions

- New upstream 0.3.3 release
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/rbtools/0.3.3/
- Notable Changes:
- Rewrote the Clear Case implementation to be cleaner, more maintainable,
- and less buggy
- New Features:
- post-review:
- Added --http-username and --http-password for providing defaults for
- Basic HTTP Authentication
- Clear Case:
- Added proper support for --tracking-branch and --revision-range
- Clear Case configuration has moved to .reviewboardrc
- Git:
- Added automatic parent diff determination when using --revision-range
- Added support for working against bare repositories when using
- revision-range
- Enhanced --revision-range to take any valid Git revisions
- Support --repository-url for overriding the git origin URL
- Mercurial:
- Added support for --guess-summary and --guess-description
- Allow a single revision to be passed to --revision-range
- Subversion:
- Added support for --svn-changelist for specifying SVN changelists
- Bug Fixes:
- post-review:
- Fixed authentication problems with some versions of Review Board
- Clear Case:
- The view is properly recognized
- Removed the dependency on xargs and cygwin
- Fixed breakages with binary files
- Removed support for --label, which was useless
- Running just post-review will now produce a working diff of checked
- out files
- Diffs generate properly now under Windows
- The diffs no longer hard-code a fake date, but instead use the real
- time/date of the file
- Files that were renamed no longer breaks the diff. OID/UUIDs are used
- instead of file paths
- Fixed diff generation to use the diff program instead of hand-crafting
- the diffs
- Running with --revision-range with paths that don't exist no longer
- produces unreadable IOException errors
- Git:
- Use real URLs when using git prefixes
- Fixed compatibility with versions of Git older than 1.6
- Added compatibility with msysgit
- The correct SVN remote tracking branch is now used for git-svn
- repositories
- Mercurial:
- Fixed an error when posting inside a Mercurial branch
- Perforce:
- Fixed Review Board version detection when checking for Perforce
- changeset support. This forced usage of the old API, preventing the new
- API from being used, which prevented usage with Review Board 1.6
- Subversion:
- Lines starting with --- and +++ in diffs that aren't diff control lines
- no longer results in broken diffs

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update django-evolution' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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