Fedora EPEL 6 Update: python-djblets-0.6.27-1.el6

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Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2012-12-19 17:42:57

Name        : python-djblets
Product     : Fedora EPEL 6
Version     : 0.6.27
Release     : 1.el6
URL         : http://www.review-board.org
Summary     : A collection of useful classes and functions for Django
Description :
A collection of useful classes and functions for Django

Update Information:

Review Board:
- New upstream release 1.6.15

- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.6.14/
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.6.15/
- New Features:
    * Accepted Subversion certificates are now stored in the database
    * SH key handling has internally been made more flexible and extensible
    * Added support for p4api 12.2
- Performance Enhancements:
    * The diff viewer now handle very large files
    * The number of database queries for the review request page has been
      further reduced
- Usability Improvements:
    * The Create/Update Repository forms now have more meaningful content for
      the Path field’s help text
    * The Create/Update Repository form's default hosting account is now the
      first actual account listed for that hosting service, and not "<Link a
      new account>", making it quicker to configure a repository
- Web API Changes:
    * Review groups can now be added, modified or deleted using the API
    * Review requests not backed by a repository can now be created by simply
      not providing a repository argument
    * The Diff Comments resource now returns a 404 if the resource IDs in the
      path were invalid
    * The User list resources now include an avatar_url field in the resulting
      payload that provides the Gravatar URL for the user
- Bug Fixes:
    * The "Add Comment" link is no longer missing after canceling the edit
    * The "Server" field in the General Settings page in the Administration UI
      now reflects the proper server value, rather than being blank
    * Added a better fallback for diff content encoding
    * Mercurial version parsing no longer fails when including "rc" or other
      identifiers in the version
    * Fixed some edge cases with data entered into the New Review Request page
    * The starred groups list in the dashboard didn't always show the right
      list of groups
    * The "Comment Saved" bubble in the diff viewer had a broken style
    * Fixed stale caching of issue statuses in review requests
    * Fixed a bug that caused counts in the dashboard to be incorrect
    * The "Raw file URL mask" field for Git repositories wasn’t displaying
    * Fixed the URLs for settings pages on the sidebar in the administration UI
      when on a subdirectory install
    * Fixed the display of extra whitespace in the diff viewer
    * Fixed default raw paths for Gitorious repositories to accomodate their
      latest URLs
    * Some settings in the administration UI weren't showing the correct
      values, due to a load order issue
    * Fixed a broken link in the site installer

- New upstream release 0.6.27

- General:
    * We now require Django 1.3.4
- djblets.gravatars:
    * Added a get_gravatar_url() function, which can be used to get
      the URL for a user's gravatar without generating HTML
    * The gravatar URL used for HTTPS connections now uses
      https://secure.gravatar.com and not https://www.gravatar.com
- djblets.webapi:
    * generate_etag() and serialize_*_field() functions now take a request
    * Resource handler functions that provide default values for parameters
      can now expect those to be used
    * The allowed_mimetypes list in WebAPIResource is no longer getting
      polluted with every WebAPIResource's allowed item and list mimetypes


This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update python-djblets' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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