Fedora EPEL 6 Update: fedora-review-0.4.0-4.el6

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Mon Mar 11 19:36:31 UTC 2013

Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2013-02-22 18:25:12

Name        : fedora-review
Product     : Fedora EPEL 6
Version     : 0.4.0
Release     : 4.el6
URL         : https://fedorahosted.org/FedoraReview/
Summary     : Review tool for fedora rpm packages
Description :
This tool automates much of the dirty work when reviewing a package
for the Fedora Package Collection like:

    * Downloading SRPM & SPEC.
    * Download upstream source
    * Check md5sums
    * Build and install package in mock.
    * Run rpmlint.
    * Generate a review template, which becomes the starting
      point for the review work.

The tool is composed of a plugins, one for each supported language.
As of today, there is plugins for C/C++, Ruby, java, R, perl and
python.  There is also support for external tests that can be written
in a simple way in bash.

Update Information:

This bugfix fixes a bug with mock initialization

Update to 0.4.0 and incorporate patch from Ralf Bean fixing fedora-create-review.

- The deprecated JSON api has been removed.
- Patch-naming check not mandated by GL is removed (#179).
- New checks:
    * Bundled gnulib check (#53).
    * Run phpci static analyzer on php packages (#63).
    * Various scriptlet checks (#152).
    * Tmpfiles.d check (#156).
    * Bundled fonts check (#155).
    * Improper %_sourcedir usage test (#154).
    * Test that sources could be downloaded from SourceX: tag (#198)
- Improved report layout (#135).
- Improved console output, notably invisible yellow text fixed. (#185).
- The report has got a fixed name 'review.txt'.
- It's now possible to create a python plugin with some tests which
  becomes part of an existing group e. g., a plugin with one new php
  test (#182).
- Improved handling of mock build failures (#79).
- Make used buildroot more visible (#147).
- New Guidelines update (#161).
- Various internal refactoring and clean-ups:
   #134, #140, #145, #172 and a lot of commits...
- Improved unit tests, notably for plugins. Unit tests are now
  packaged (#146, #163, many commits).
- Roughly 20 other bugs fixed.

- The deprecated JSON api has been removed.
- Patch-naming check not mandated by GL is removed (#179).
- New checks:
    * Bundled gnulib check (#53).
    * Run phpci static analyzer on php packages (#63).
    * Various scriptlet checks (#152).
    * Tmpfiles.d check (#156).
    * Bundled fonts check (#155).
    * Improper %_sourcedir usage test (#154).
    * Test that sources could be downloaded from SourceX: tag (#198)
- Improved report layout (#135).
- Improved console output, notably invisible yellow text fixed. (#185).
- The report has got a fixed name 'review.txt'.
- It's now possible to create a python plugin with some tests which
  becomes part of an existing group e. g., a plugin with one new php
  test (#182).
- Improved handling of mock build failures (#79).
- Make used buildroot more visible (#147).
- New Guidelines update (#161).
- Various internal refactoring and clean-ups:
   #134, #140, #145, #172 and a lot of commits...
- Improved unit tests, notably for plugins. Unit tests are now
  packaged (#146, #163, many commits).
- Roughly 20 other bugs fixed.

- The deprecated JSON api has been removed.
- Patch-naming check not mandated by GL is removed (#179).
- New checks:
    * Bundled gnulib check (#53).
    * Run phpci static analyzer on php packages (#63).
    * Various scriptlet checks (#152).
    * Tmpfiles.d check (#156).
    * Bundled fonts check (#155).
    * Improper %_sourcedir usage test (#154).
    * Test that sources could be downloaded from SourceX: tag (#198)
- Improved report layout (#135).
- Improved console output, notably invisible yellow text fixed. (#185).
- The report has got a fixed name 'review.txt'.
- It's now possible to create a python plugin with some tests which
  becomes part of an existing group e. g., a plugin with one new php
  test (#182).
- Improved handling of mock build failures (#79).
- Make used buildroot more visible (#147).
- New Guidelines update (#161).
- Various internal refactoring and clean-ups:
   #134, #140, #145, #172 and a lot of commits...
- Improved unit tests, notably for plugins. Unit tests are now
  packaged (#146, #163, many commits).
- Roughly 20 other bugs fixed.

This fixes problems with large docs check and incorrect handling of some package names. A small addition is also REVIEW_NO_MOCKGROUP_TEST which turns off verification of mock configuration that can be useful in certain non-standard configurations.
Update to 0.4.0 and incorporate patch from Ralf Bean fixing fedora-create-review.

- The deprecated JSON api has been removed.
- Patch-naming check not mandated by GL is removed (#179).
- New checks:
    * Bundled gnulib check (#53).
    * Run phpci static analyzer on php packages (#63).
    * Various scriptlet checks (#152).
    * Tmpfiles.d check (#156).
    * Bundled fonts check (#155).
    * Improper %_sourcedir usage test (#154).
    * Test that sources could be downloaded from SourceX: tag (#198)
- Improved report layout (#135).
- Improved console output, notably invisible yellow text fixed. (#185).
- The report has got a fixed name 'review.txt'.
- It's now possible to create a python plugin with some tests which
  becomes part of an existing group e. g., a plugin with one new php
  test (#182).
- Improved handling of mock build failures (#79).
- Make used buildroot more visible (#147).
- New Guidelines update (#161).
- Various internal refactoring and clean-ups:
   #134, #140, #145, #172 and a lot of commits...
- Improved unit tests, notably for plugins. Unit tests are now
  packaged (#146, #163, many commits).
- Roughly 20 other bugs fixed.

- The deprecated JSON api has been removed.
- Patch-naming check not mandated by GL is removed (#179).
- New checks:
    * Bundled gnulib check (#53).
    * Run phpci static analyzer on php packages (#63).
    * Various scriptlet checks (#152).
    * Tmpfiles.d check (#156).
    * Bundled fonts check (#155).
    * Improper %_sourcedir usage test (#154).
    * Test that sources could be downloaded from SourceX: tag (#198)
- Improved report layout (#135).
- Improved console output, notably invisible yellow text fixed. (#185).
- The report has got a fixed name 'review.txt'.
- It's now possible to create a python plugin with some tests which
  becomes part of an existing group e. g., a plugin with one new php
  test (#182).
- Improved handling of mock build failures (#79).
- Make used buildroot more visible (#147).
- New Guidelines update (#161).
- Various internal refactoring and clean-ups:
   #134, #140, #145, #172 and a lot of commits...
- Improved unit tests, notably for plugins. Unit tests are now
  packaged (#146, #163, many commits).
- Roughly 20 other bugs fixed.

- The deprecated JSON api has been removed.
- Patch-naming check not mandated by GL is removed (#179).
- New checks:
    * Bundled gnulib check (#53).
    * Run phpci static analyzer on php packages (#63).
    * Various scriptlet checks (#152).
    * Tmpfiles.d check (#156).
    * Bundled fonts check (#155).
    * Improper %_sourcedir usage test (#154).
    * Test that sources could be downloaded from SourceX: tag (#198)
- Improved report layout (#135).
- Improved console output, notably invisible yellow text fixed. (#185).
- The report has got a fixed name 'review.txt'.
- It's now possible to create a python plugin with some tests which
  becomes part of an existing group e. g., a plugin with one new php
  test (#182).
- Improved handling of mock build failures (#79).
- Make used buildroot more visible (#147).
- New Guidelines update (#161).
- Various internal refactoring and clean-ups:
   #134, #140, #145, #172 and a lot of commits...
- Improved unit tests, notably for plugins. Unit tests are now
  packaged (#146, #163, many commits).
- Roughly 20 other bugs fixed.

This fixes problems with large docs check and incorrect handling of some package names. A small addition is also REVIEW_NO_MOCKGROUP_TEST which turns off verification of mock configuration that can be useful in certain non-standard configurations.
Update to 0.4.0 and incorporate patch from Ralf Bean fixing fedora-create-review.

- The deprecated JSON api has been removed.
- Patch-naming check not mandated by GL is removed (#179).
- New checks:
    * Bundled gnulib check (#53).
    * Run phpci static analyzer on php packages (#63).
    * Various scriptlet checks (#152).
    * Tmpfiles.d check (#156).
    * Bundled fonts check (#155).
    * Improper %_sourcedir usage test (#154).
    * Test that sources could be downloaded from SourceX: tag (#198)
- Improved report layout (#135).
- Improved console output, notably invisible yellow text fixed. (#185).
- The report has got a fixed name 'review.txt'.
- It's now possible to create a python plugin with some tests which
  becomes part of an existing group e. g., a plugin with one new php
  test (#182).
- Improved handling of mock build failures (#79).
- Make used buildroot more visible (#147).
- New Guidelines update (#161).
- Various internal refactoring and clean-ups:
   #134, #140, #145, #172 and a lot of commits...
- Improved unit tests, notably for plugins. Unit tests are now
  packaged (#146, #163, many commits).
- Roughly 20 other bugs fixed.

- The deprecated JSON api has been removed.
- Patch-naming check not mandated by GL is removed (#179).
- New checks:
    * Bundled gnulib check (#53).
    * Run phpci static analyzer on php packages (#63).
    * Various scriptlet checks (#152).
    * Tmpfiles.d check (#156).
    * Bundled fonts check (#155).
    * Improper %_sourcedir usage test (#154).
    * Test that sources could be downloaded from SourceX: tag (#198)
- Improved report layout (#135).
- Improved console output, notably invisible yellow text fixed. (#185).
- The report has got a fixed name 'review.txt'.
- It's now possible to create a python plugin with some tests which
  becomes part of an existing group e. g., a plugin with one new php
  test (#182).
- Improved handling of mock build failures (#79).
- Make used buildroot more visible (#147).
- New Guidelines update (#161).
- Various internal refactoring and clean-ups:
   #134, #140, #145, #172 and a lot of commits...
- Improved unit tests, notably for plugins. Unit tests are now
  packaged (#146, #163, many commits).
- Roughly 20 other bugs fixed.

- The deprecated JSON api has been removed.
- Patch-naming check not mandated by GL is removed (#179).
- New checks:
    * Bundled gnulib check (#53).
    * Run phpci static analyzer on php packages (#63).
    * Various scriptlet checks (#152).
    * Tmpfiles.d check (#156).
    * Bundled fonts check (#155).
    * Improper %_sourcedir usage test (#154).
    * Test that sources could be downloaded from SourceX: tag (#198)
- Improved report layout (#135).
- Improved console output, notably invisible yellow text fixed. (#185).
- The report has got a fixed name 'review.txt'.
- It's now possible to create a python plugin with some tests which
  becomes part of an existing group e. g., a plugin with one new php
  test (#182).
- Improved handling of mock build failures (#79).
- Make used buildroot more visible (#147).
- New Guidelines update (#161).
- Various internal refactoring and clean-ups:
   #134, #140, #145, #172 and a lot of commits...
- Improved unit tests, notably for plugins. Unit tests are now
  packaged (#146, #163, many commits).
- Roughly 20 other bugs fixed.


  [ 1 ] Bug #912182 - ERROR: chroot /var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-x86_64/root/ not initialized!
  [ 2 ] Bug #889087 - Unreadable colors in terminal with white background
  [ 3 ] Bug #881337 - AttributeError: 'GemCheckRequiresRubygems' object has no attribute 'spec_packages'
  [ 4 ] Bug #872898 - other Fatal error: Exception down the road
  [ 5 ] Bug #845651 - AttributeError: 'Source' object has no attribute 'filename'
  [ 6 ] Bug #908830 - check-large-docs.sh doesn't properly skip -doc subpackages

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update fedora-review' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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