Fedora EPEL 5 Update: drupal6-devel-1.27-1.el5

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Tue May 21 01:45:10 UTC 2013

Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2013-04-23 02:42:07

Name        : drupal6-devel
Product     : Fedora EPEL 5
Version     : 1.27
Release     : 1.el5
URL         : http://drupal.org/project/devel
Summary     : Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers
Description :
A suite of modules containing fun for module developers and themers.

* Helper functions for Drupal developers and inquisitive admins. This module can
  print a summary of all database queries for each page request at the bottom of
  each page. The summary includes how many times each query was executed on a
  page (shouldn't run same query multiple times), and how long each query took
  (short is good - use cache for complex queries).
* Also a dprint_r($array) function is provided, which pretty prints arrays.
  Useful during development. Similarly, a ddebug_backtrace() is offerred.
* much more. See this helpful demo page

Generate content
* Accelerate development of your site or module by quickly generating nodes,
  comments, terms, users, and more.

Devel Node Access (DNA)
* View the node access entries for the node(s) that are shown on a page.
  Essential for developers of node access modules and useful for site admins in
  debugging problems with those modules.

This package provides the following Drupal modules:
* devel
* devel_generate
* devel_node_access

Update Information:

A suite of modules containing fun for module developers and themers.

* Helper functions for Drupal developers and inquisitive admins. This module can
  print a summary of all database queries for each page request at the bottom of
  each page. The summary includes how many times each query was executed on a
  page (shouldn't run same query multiple times), and how long each query took
  (short is good - use cache for complex queries).
* Also a dprint_r($array) function is provided, which pretty prints arrays.
  Useful during development. Similarly, a ddebug_backtrace() is offerred.
* much more. See this helpful demo page

Generate content
* Accelerate development of your site or module by quickly generating nodes,
  comments, terms, users, and more.

Devel Node Access (DNA)
* View the node access entries for the node(s) that are shown on a page.
  Essential for developers of node access modules and useful for site admins in
  debugging problems with those modules.

This package provides the following Drupal modules:
* devel
* devel_generate
* devel_node_access

  [ 1 ] Bug #925989 - Review Request: drupal6-devel - Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update drupal6-devel' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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