Fedora EPEL 6 Update: GMT-coastlines-2.2.4-1.el6

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Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2014-02-06 18:40:57

Name        : GMT-coastlines
Product     : Fedora EPEL 6
Version     : 2.2.4
Release     : 1.el6
URL         : http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/
Summary     : Coastline data for GMT
Description :
Crude, low, and intermediate resolutions coastline data for GMT.

Update Information:

Update to 4.5.11.  The only non-bug change was adding the latest dimensions for recent Sandwell/Smith img files that go up to 85°, and adding definition file dat.def for mgd77 ASCII DAT format to the x2sys supplement. We also had to modify the –S option in pscontour.c to address a bug. This GMT release also coincides with the latest GSHHG release version 2.2.4 which adds a few missing lakes to California and fixes an error in the Baffin Island coastline and removes skinny spikes from numerous features. Below is the list of bug corrections for individual library files or programs:

- gmt_customio.c
    : The magic recognition of native bit grids failed due to bad math. Wrote wrong number of bytes per record for odd-width Sun rasterfiles. 
- gmt_grdio.c
    : Would restrict grid region in grdimage.c despite doing a global map with azimuthal projections. 
- gmt_io.c
    : Formats for degree annotations using colons should never end in a trailing colon. Could not properly decode yyodd (no delimiter) time coordinates like 12Oct24. The GMT_import_table function checked for greenwich before assigning the input data. 
- gmt_init.c
    : Shifted JD origin by one day (24 Nov, instead of 25 Nov). 
- gmt_map.c
    : The oblique Mercator would get the pole on the wrong hemisphere. When -Jx is used with longitudes we must use the wesn clipping and outside functions, not the Cartesian ones. Fixed clipping problem in GMT_wesn_clip for regions larger than 180 but less than 360. GMT_grdproject_init did not handle increments that had been specified as units, e.g., -D30e. 
- gmt_plot.c
    : Did not check for map-jumping in GMT_plot_rectangle (psxy -SJ). 
- gmt_proj.c
    : Inverse -JR blew up at origin; now added a check. Needed to allow for minor round-off when determining if a point is beyond the horizon for -JG general perspective projection. 
    : Did not use data near west column nodes that were off by 360 for gridline registered grids. 
- blockmedian.c
    : Did not use data near west column nodes that were off by 360 for gridline registered grids. 
- blockmode.c
    : Did not use data near west column nodes that were off by 360 for gridline registered grids. 
- filter1d.c
    : Susceptible to round-off when determining t of first and last output point when -T was not given. 
- gmtmath.c
    : The MIN and MAX operators ignored NaNs, but result should be NaN if one of the operands equal NaN. Wrong index order in rarely used SVD part of LSQFIT. 
- gmtset.c
    : Did not write values to .gmtdefaults4 if BASEMAP_TYPE was graph or inside. 
- grdfft.c
    : Fix normalization for std.dev of power estimate in -E. 
- grdimage.c
    : Fix bug represented by the globalgrid.sh test script for mix of -R selections and pixel/gridline choices. 
- grdblend.c
    : Despite geographic grids there were no check to shift a grid region by ±360 to match specified output region. 
- grdlandmask.c
    : Did not set output as geographic after using -Jx1d. 
- grdmath.c
    : The MIN and MAX operators ignored NaNs, but result should be NaN if one of the operands equal NaN. The XOR operator was incorrect, it is now clarified to be 0 if A == NaN and B == NaN, NaN if B == NaN, else A. Fix bug in CURV operator. 
- grdsample.c
    : When given a -Rg grid and giving -Rg on command line, the output region became -360/0 instead of the expected 0/360. 
- grdtrend.c
    : We messed up an interior parameter array in the 2009-10-14 fix in 4.5.2. This affected robust fits and grids with NaNs. 
- grdvector.c
    : Did not reject vectors on far side of orthographic maps. Enforce that -Idx/dy must be multiples of grid dx/dy and abort if they are not. Before we would crash, hang, etc. 
- greenspline.c
    : The normalization for 2-D with geographic data suffered from not checking that longitudes may be off by ±360. Needed -f in order to select -f0T input, plus it made assumptions about getting lon,lat despite not being selected. When -T was used the number of z-layers (1) was not initialized. 
- nearneighbor.c
    : Clarify how -N works, what the defaults are, and let the minimum number of sectors default to 50% of sectors instead of a hard-wired 2. 
- pscontour.c
    : Added -St to skip triangles whose 3 vertices are outside domain; in contrast, -S or -Sp skips all points outside domain before triangularization. 
- psmask.c
    : Multiple, ancient bugs fixed: properly mark used edges, fix memory allocations, not report clipping if -D is used, starting point for a contour was not offset by 1/2 pixel. Was off by one in the grid index calculation. 
- pstext.c
    : The line in -D...v was plotted on top rather than beneath box. 
- xyz2grd.c
    : For -E, must read data as double so can properly compare with the nodata_value read as double. 
- meca/psvelo.cc
    : Called get_trans at north pole and tried to find a point further north. Did not honor the -N setting. 
- mgd77/mgd77list.cc
    : The azimuth written was back-azimuth, not forward. Picked id = time_column when set was 1 (custom), causing the first custom data column to be formatted as time (this is for the netCDF format files). 
- sph/sphdistance.c
    : Make sure we visit replicated columns for gridline registered grids.

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update GMT-coastlines' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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