Fedora EPEL 6 Update: ReviewBoard-1.7.22-1.el6

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Wed Mar 19 20:21:55 UTC 2014

Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2014-03-04 17:49:08

Name        : ReviewBoard
Product     : Fedora EPEL 6
Version     : 1.7.22
Release     : 1.el6
URL         : http://www.review-board.org
Summary     : Web-based code review tool
Description :
Review Board is a powerful web-based code review tool that offers
developers an easy way to handle code reviews. It scales well from small
projects to large companies and offers a variety of tools to take much
of the stress and time out of the code review process.

Update Information:

- New upstream security release 1.7.22
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/reviewboard/1.7.22/
- Security Fixes:
  * An XSS vulnerability was found in the Search field's auto-complete.
- New Features:
  * Added support for anonymous access to public Local Sites.
  * Added support for parallel-installed versions of Django.
- API Changes:
  * The documentation for Review Group Resource no longer says that review groups cannot be created through the API.
- Bug Fixes:
  * Install/Upgrade:
    * Fixed compatibility with Apache 2.4's method for authorization in newly generated config files.
    * Fixed an issue on some configurations where loading in initial schema data for the database would fail
    * rb-site upgrade --all-sites no longer throws an error if there are no valid sites configured.
  * Administration:
    * Administrators now have access to all repositories, instead of just public ones or ones they're a member of.
    * Repositories backed by paths that no longer exist can now be hidden.
    * Fixed creating groups and repositories that had conflicting "unique" fields.
    * Password fields no longer appear blank when they have a value in forms.
    * Setting https in the server URL now properly marks the server as using HTTPS. All URLs generated for the API and e-mails will include https instead of http.
    * Fixed incorrect labelling for the review request status graph in the Admin dashboard.
  * LDAP:
    * Usernames, passwords, and other information are properly encoded to UTF-8 before authenticating.
    * Users without e-mail addresses in LDAP no longer break when first authenticating.
  * Dashboard:
    * Fixed support for accessing watched groups through the Dashboard.
  * Repositories:
    * Copied files in Git diffs no longer results in File Not Found errors, and properly handles showing the state much like moved files.
    * Added better compatibility with Mercurial repository when accessing hg-history URLs, when the server name didn't contain a trailing slash.
    * Added better CVS compatibility for repositories that don’t contain CVSROOT/modules.
    * Fixed issues with Clear Case in multi-site mode when OIDs weren't yet available on the server.


This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update ReviewBoard' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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