Fedora EPEL 6 Update: php-guzzle-Guzzle-3.8.1-1.el6

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Thu May 8 21:58:24 UTC 2014

Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2014-04-22 19:08:51

Name        : php-guzzle-Guzzle
Product     : Fedora EPEL 6
Version     : 3.8.1
Release     : 1.el6
URL         : http://guzzlephp.org
Summary     : PHP HTTP client library and framework for building RESTful web service clients
Description :
Guzzle takes the pain out of sending HTTP requests and the redundancy out
of creating web service clients.

Guzzle is a framework that includes the tools needed to create a robust web
service client, including: Service descriptions for defining the inputs and
outputs of an API, resource iterators for traversing paginated resources,
batching for sending a large number of requests as efficiently as possible.

* All the power of cURL with a simple interface
* Persistent connections and parallel requests
* Streams request and response bodies
* Service descriptions for quickly building clients
* Powered by the Symfony2 EventDispatcher
* Use all of the code or only specific components
* Plugins for caching, logging, OAuth, mocks, and more

Optional dependencies:
* Zend Framework
* Doctrine
* Monolog

Update Information:

3.8.1 (2014-01-28)
* Bug: Always using GET requests when redirecting from a 303 response
* Bug: CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST is now correctly set to false when setting `$certificateAuthority` to false in `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setSslVerification()`
* Bug: RedirectPlugin now uses strict RFC 3986 compliance when combining a base URL with a relative URL
* Bug: The body of a request can now be set to `"0"`
* Sending PHP stream requests no longer forces `HTTP/1.0`
* Adding more information to ExceptionCollection exceptions so that users have more context, including a stack trace of each sub-exception
* Updated the `$ref` attribute in service descriptions to merge over any existing parameters of a schema (rather than clobbering everything).
* Merging URLs will now use the query string object from the relative URL (thus allowing custom query aggregators)
* Query strings are now parsed in a way that they do no convert empty keys with no value to have a dangling `=`. For example `foo&bar=baz` is now correctly parsed and recognized as `foo&bar=baz` rather than `foo=&bar=baz`.
* Now properly escaping the regular expression delimiter when matching Cookie domains.
* Network access is now disabled when loading XML documents


3.8.0 (2013-12-05)
* Added the ability to define a POST name for a file
* JSON response parsing now properly walks additionalProperties
* cURL error code 18 is now retried automatically in the BackoffPlugin
* Fixed a cURL error when URLs contain fragments
* Fixed an issue in the BackoffPlugin retry event where it was trying to access all exceptions as if they were CurlExceptions
* CURLOPT_PROGRESS function fix for PHP 5.5 (69fcc1e)
* Added the ability for Guzzle to work with older versions of cURL that do not support `CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS`
* Fixed a bug that was encountered when parsing empty header parameters
* UriTemplate now has a `setRegex()` method to match the docs
* The `debug` request parameter now checks if it is truthy rather than if it exists
* Setting the `debug` request parameter to true shows verbose cURL output instead of using the LogPlugin
* Added the ability to combine URLs using strict RFC 3986 compliance
* Command objects can now return the validation errors encountered by the command
* Various fixes to cache revalidation (#437 and 29797e5)
* Various fixes to the AsyncPlugin
* Cleaned up build scripts


  [ 1 ] Bug #1039260 - php-guzzle-Guzzle-3.8.1 is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update php-guzzle-Guzzle' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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