Fedora EPEL 6 Update: php-aws-sdk-2.8.0-1.el6

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Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2015-04-14 20:26:01

Name        : php-aws-sdk
Product     : Fedora EPEL 6
Version     : 2.8.0
Release     : 1.el6
URL         : http://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-php/
Summary     : Amazon Web Services framework for PHP
Description :
Amazon Web Services SDK for PHP enables developers to build solutions for
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
(Amazon EC2), Amazon SimpleDB, and more.

* APC (php-pecl-apcu):
      Allows service description opcode caching, request and response caching,
      and credentials caching
* Doctrine Cache (php-doctrine-cache):
      Adds support for caching of credentials and responses
* Monolog (php-Monolog):
      Adds support for logging HTTP requests and responses
* Symfony YAML (php-symfony-yaml):
      Eases the ability to write manifests for creating jobs in AWS

Update Information:

## 2.8.0 - 2015-04-09

See the [Upgrading Guide](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php/blob/master/UPGRADING.md)
for details about any changes you may need to make to your code for this upgrade.

* `Aws\MachineLearning` - Added support for the Amazon Machine Learning service.
* `Aws\WorkSpaces` - Added support for the Amazon WorkSpaces service.
* `Aws\Ecs` - Added support for the ECS service scheduler operations.
* `Aws\S3` - Added support for the `getBucketNotificationConfiguration` and `putBucketNotificationConfiguration` operations to the `S3Client` to replace the, now deprecated, `getBucketNotification` and `putBucketNotification` operations.
* [BC] `Aws\Lambda` - Added support for the new AWS Lambda API, which has been changed based on customer feedback during Lambda's preview period.
* `Aws\Common` - Deprecated "facades". They will not be present in Version 3 of the SDK.
* `Aws\Common` - Added `getAwsErrorCode`, `getAwsErrorType` and `getAwsRequestId` methods to the `ServiceResponseException` to be forward-compatible with Version 3 of the SDK.

## 2.7.27 - 2015-04-07

* `Aws\DataPipeline` - Added support for `DeactivatePipeline`
* `Aws\ElasticBeanstalk` - Added support for `AbortEnvironmentUpdate`

## 2.7.26 - 2015-04-02

* `Aws\CodeDeploy` - Added support deployments to on-premises instances.
* `Aws\Rds` - Added support for the `DescribeCertificates` operation.
* `Aws\ElasticTranscoder` - Added support for protecting content with PlayReady Digital Rights Management (DRM).

## 2.7.25 - 2015-03-26

* `Aws\ElasticTranscoder` - Added support for job timing.
* `Aws\Iam` - Added `NamedPolicy` to `GetAccountAuthorizationDetails`.
* `Aws\OpsWorks` - Added `BlockDeviceMapping` support.

## 2.7.24 - 2015-03-24

* `Aws\S3` - Added support for cross-region replication.
* `Aws\S3` - Added support for ["Requester Pays" buckets](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RequesterPaysBuckets.html).

## 2.7.23 - 2015-03-19

* `Aws\ElasticTranscoder` - API update to support AppliedColorSpaceConversion.
* `Aws\CloudSearchDomain` - Adding 504 status code to retry list.

## 2.7.22 - 2015-03-12

* `Aws\CloudFront` - Fixed #482, which affected pre-signing CloudFront URLs.
* `Aws\CloudTrail` - Added support for the `LookupEvents` operation.
* `Aws\CloudWatchLogs` - Added ordering parameters to the `DescribeLogStreams`
* `Aws\Ec2` - Added pagination parameters to the `DescribeSnapshots` operation

## 2.7.21 - 2015-03-04

* `Aws\CognitoSync` - Added support for Amazon Cognito Streams.

## 2.7.20 - 2015-02-23

* `Aws\DataPipeline` - Added support for pipeline tagging via the `AddTags` and `RemoveTags` operations.
* `Aws\Route53` - Added support for the `GetHostedZoneCount` and `ListHostedZonesByName` operations.

## 2.7.19 - 2015-02-20

* `Aws\CloudFront` - Added support for origin paths in web distributions.
* `Aws\Ecs` - Added support for specifying volumes and mount points. Also
* `Aws\ElasticTranscoder` - Added support for cross-regional resource warnings.
* `Aws\Route53Domains` - Add iterators for `ListDomains` and `ListOperations`.
* `Aws\Ssm` - Added support for the **Amazon Simple Systems Management Service (SSM)**.
* `Aws\Sts` - Added support for regional endpoints. switched the client to use a JSON protocol.
* Changed our CHANGELOG format. ;-)

## 2.7.18 - 2015-02-12

* Added support for named and managed policies to the IAM client.
* Added support for tagging operations to the Route 53 Domains client.
* Added support for tagging operations to the ElastiCache client.
* Added support for the Scan API for secondary indexes to the DynamoDB client.
* Added forward compatibility for the `'credentials'`, `'endpoint'`, and `'http'` configuration options.
* Made the `marshalValue()` and `unmarshalValue()` methods public in the DynamoDB Marshaler.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1192383 - php-aws-sdk-2.8.0 is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update php-aws-sdk' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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