[fama-mentors] Improving Ambassador Mentoring process

Mark Terranova Markdude at fedoraproject.org
Sun May 5 07:28:14 UTC 2013


> The changes I'd like to make effective June 1, 2013, are the following:
> Change #1: Instead of having the FAmA administrator file the ticket in
> trac, I'd like to have the mentor file the ticket.
This idea makes sense. I don't see it this being an immediate issue here,
but could be troublesome in appearance. It still follows TOSW, but may look
funny to outsiders. If we do a good job of explaining the *WHY* - we should
be fine.

I do have a concern with areas that may be limited. Apac is still not fully
tapped, and could most likely use a few more Mentors.

> This will allow the interaction between the mentor and the candidate
> to happen as early as possible. It's also useful to have the mentor
> file the ticket which provides the mentor the ability to control the
> process a little more, pretty much right from the beginning.
> One idea was suggested was to have the candidate file the ticket in
> trac, but this will cause more problems. There is a specific process
> and format when filing tickets. Having several mentors follow
> instructions will be useful. Having to train hundreds of candidates,
> who may not have interacted much with Fedora or its processes, will
> likely cause much more pain.

+1 to more info on filing tickets. I have had more than a few issues with
the process. I even had one evaporate, that sucked. Ticket processes in
general could be improved, IMO.

Much of the goal here is to simplify the process and remove the FAmA
> administrator as a bottleneck from the process where possible.
> Allowing mentors to take over the ticket creation process allows
> candidates to contact mentors and have tickets to track their progress
> more quickly, rather than waiting for the next Sunday.
Starting the contact sooner makes sense, and saves hassles.

> Change #2: Provide the mailing list moderation password to the
> mentors, to approve their candidates when they give them the 'mentor
> thumbs up' status in trac.
> As above, removing the FAmA administrator from this process will
> improve the ability of candidates to more quickly get involved with
> Ambassadors. Even if the candidate is not approved for Ambassadors
> yet, they can still participate in mailing list discussions once the
> mentor feels they have met the appropriate requirements.
A couple things to note.
> Sponsoring / Rejecting candidates will still happen on Sundays due to
> constraints in FAS. I'd like to start small with trac tickets before
> granting sponsorship rights to all mentors in FAS.
Hmmmm, not sure about this. There are less than 10 of us. If I however am
in the 1st group with *magic FAS* powers- <objection withdrawn> ;)

> FAmA reserves the right / privilege to modify any ticket or reject any
> candidate with good reason. I don't see this happening very often, but
> if a mentor isn't properly performing their duties, there should be
corrective action.

There can be a perception issue on vetoes and how they work in Fedora. They
rarely happen, and we NEED to point this out. This may be a PR point I'm
making- we need to elaborate some on this. We are an open group that will
handle matters in private if need be for the good of the Community
(troublesome people). People are ok with trusting closed proceedings, IF
there is an explanation of the process(es).

> It's probably even a good idea to define a process

for helping mentors if any issues arise.


> I don't see this ever really
> being an issue, but I just want to put it out there so everyone is
> prepared for such possibilities.
Should I be nervous if I have approved too many people with Ubuntu
backgrounds? Or Dan408 is upsetting devs somewhere? <joking font>

> Thanks for reading my long introduction email, and especially for
> feedback. I expect the discussions to be lively, friendly and in the
> goal of bettering the mentoring process.
> Cheers,
> Clint Savage (herlo)
> FAmA Administrator

Local Fedora activity has been my focus. We need more contributors.
Streamlining the Ambadassador process will help. (Does this mean I need to
get any borderline manatees approved BEFORE end of the month? Less than 30
days to do some changes to approvals? Sure. If these are gradual changes,
and not drastic.

 As much as possible we need to be open, for a process that needs to be
partially secretive. Closing the loop by having Mentors makes me a bit
worried - having seen how bottlenecks have happened in India. If we don't
have a certain amount of Mentors, problems can occur. I KNOW this is not an
issue at moment, we need to look at this in the long run. I know Fedora
will be around in 5+ years let's give it the growing room

Looking forward to these exciting changes,


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