[FAmSCo] January report

Joerg Simon jsimon at fedoraproject.org
Mon Feb 1 07:43:57 UTC 2010

On Monday 01 February 2010 00:02:58 Max Spevack wrote:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2010-01
> I've done a ton of work on this today, which will also get it into a
> format easy to copy for future months.

i like it! 
The only thing i didn't like - to quantify the Emails per person.

> There are gaps that need to be filled in, and that I cannot fill in
> alone.  Especially in the regional section.  Look for FIXMEs.
> We'll discuss any remaining work that needs to be done on this in
> tomorrow's meeting.

Thanks Max!

cu Joerg

Joerg (kital) Simon
jsimon at fedoraproject.org
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