[FAmSCo] [Ambassadors] FUDCon APAC bids

Igor Pires Soares igorsoares at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 19:09:27 UTC 2011

Em Seg, 2011-07-04 às 15:47 +0800, Gerard Braad escreveu:
> Hi FAmSCo,
> This decision is also not easy for me and I will probably not make a
> good case with this email.
> 2011/7/3 Caius 'kaio' Chance <kaio at fedoraproject.org>:
> > Personally, even I am a member of Chinese community, I am hereby supporting
> > India for FUDCon 2011. China is just not ready for having a FUDCon this
> > year. These are the my reasons:
> If this is the case, the FAmSCo decision would be 4 / 2 in favor of India.

Agreeing or not with Caius' arguments shouldn't we rectify the voting we
did on last meeting and make a proper recommendation in favor of India? 

Igor Pires Soares
Fedora Ambassador (Brazil) - Member of FAmSCo
Fedora I18N/L10N QA

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