[FAmSCo] Damn I forgot the meeting

Jiri Eischmann eischmann at redhat.com
Tue Aug 14 15:38:55 UTC 2012

Christoph Wickert píše v Út 14. 08. 2012 v 17:11 +0200:
> Sorry my friends,
> I completely forgot out meeting yesterday. Did someone else host it?
> I will continue to be busy for the next 4 weeks or so, so please don't
> rely on me too much. I'll try to attend as often as possible, but I
> cannot promise anything.
> Best regards,
> Christoph

Daniel is a vice-chair, so he's the second to lead the meeting, but if
he can't I can do it. I just need to know in advance.
So Daniel, let me know if you can chair meetings in the next 4 weeks.

BTW Christoph, if you can't make EMEA ambassadors meetings, too, I can
chair them. We can have one right tomo because we've had it for a while.
So if you agree I will send out an announcement tonight.


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