[FAmSCo] Changes to FAmSCo trac

Harish Pillay hpillay at redhat.com
Thu Jan 26 01:22:05 UTC 2012

* on the Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 01:43:05AM +0100, Christoph Wickert was commenting:
| Hi there,
| in order to use FAmSCo's trac instance more often and efficient, I have
| now added all of the current FAmSco members as default CC for every
| ticket. You might want to set up a filter for that in your mail client.
| @Jörg: We should make sure to document this change in the wiki as a SOP
| for every new FAmSCo that gets elected.
| I have also moved Harish from CC to BCC, this means he will get a copy
| of each mail even if people don't see it.

OK.  Thanks for setting this up.

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