[FAmSCo] Proposal to "Sponsoring event attendees"

Daniel Bruno dbruno at fedoraproject.org
Tue Jul 10 14:58:52 UTC 2012

Hello guys,

Yesterday in our last meeting was decided that would be better disccuss it
here. We talk a lot and we just get some points that should be considered
for the proposal.

The common points were:

* The proposal should be generic, not only for FUDCons;
* Should not have a committee;
* The FPL don't have enough time to attend it;
* Should have a ranking to qualify these ones that will do a great job on
the event;
* Should not have be stipulated deadlines, just advise;

So far, these are my bullets.


Daniel Bruno
Mentor of Fedora Ambassadors on Latin America
Fedora Latin America Infrastructure Team
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