[FAmSCo] FY14 Budget update

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 18:26:16 UTC 2013

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Jiří Eischmann <eischmann at redhat.com> wrote:
> I really didn't mean it as complaint even though it might have sounded like that. The whole amount is definitely a success.
> I think mine and Christoph's mails representing views from EMEA for
> which it is a decline because EMEA's share of the whole cake is smaller
> for two reasons:
> 1. NA asked for much more than us because they included reserves, we
> didn't (lesson learnt)
> 2. APAC and LATAM asked for more they spent in the last years (it's
> positive because they've always struggled to have a concrete plan of
> activities, and this made them create it).


To state the obvious, everyone's share of the whole cake cannot
increase so measuring things by your share of the whole cake is flawed
and a recipe for one or more regions to always perceive that they got
screwed somehow.

If you really believe the NA allocation is based on fat and reserves
just help yourself to $8,000 of that fat and reallocate it to EMEA.
Seriously, do it if that is what you think is fair. We'll survive and
we can stop this conversation which is making everyone feel like they
are being blamed for EMEAs plight. I know it is making me feel like I
don't want to be a part of this budget process.


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