[FAmSCo] Ideas needed - Issue with Fedora branded items - no where to get them even for money?

Jiri Eischmann jeischma at redhat.com
Mon Feb 11 22:23:53 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ruth Suehle" <rsuehle at redhat.com>
> To: famsco at lists.fedoraproject.org
> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 7:38:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [FAmSCo] Ideas needed - Issue with Fedora branded items - no where to get them even for money?
> Red Hat has partnered with Staples for what used to be known as the
> Cool
> Stuff Store, if you're familiar with that. They'll now be running the
> store where you can buy Red Hat branded stuff. It is possible for
> there
> to be a Fedora section of this store, which I've been in contact with
> them about doing. So that would/will satisfy the "people would like
> to
> be able to buy Fedora things" aspect.

I suppose the store works only for the US, doesn't it? If we want to find a solution, we need to find it for all regions. I know there is a Cool Stuff Store for EMEA, too. It's provided by one German vendor, but I have no idea they'd be willing to sell Fedora stuff and who in Red Hat maintains the contract with them.


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