[FAmSCo] Paypal fee with reimbursements

Buddhike Kurera bckurera at fedoraproject.org
Mon Mar 4 15:20:41 UTC 2013

Hi Folks,

The discussion is really good, now we had an idea where the problem is.

In Europe it is not possible to select "Receiver bears the Fee" and no
indication of the fee therefore it is not possible for the Sender to
pay it. At this moment NA can do it and APAC can do it too (I have
paid the fee as a sender once so it is possible). what about the

Inode0, so what you do is pay the fee yourself and attach it as a fee
to the reimbursement so that the receiver get the total amount as
shown in the invoice?

In APAC, a USD is a good amount and missing some USD means some
considerable situation, so I am interested if this amount can be
received by the Ambassadors.

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera (bckurera)

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