[FAmSCo] Budget status?

Christoph Wickert cwickert at fedoraproject.org
Sun Mar 17 09:30:20 UTC 2013

Hi Robyn,
hi Ruth,

I need to ask you for the status of our budget again. We are now already
in the FY 2013, but I haven't heard any numbers yet.

Robyn, do we have a budget? If so, how much is it? If not, what is
blocking it and when can we expect a budget?

Ruth, as the budget owner I'd like to ask you how much money did we
spend in 2012? Do you have numbers for us? If not, what do you need to
get them for us?

Jiri, it was brought to my attention that you recently denied approval
of sponsorship for a contributor because of the missing budget. IHMO
that was was wrong. If Red Hat fails to provide numbers, that's their
problem. Please don't make it a problem of the Fedora contributors.

Until we have a budget, I will rubberstamp all requests I receive. I
will encourage FAmSCo and the community credit card owners to do the
same. If we are over budget at the end of the year, it's not our fault.

Ruth, Robyn, please get back to us ASAP.

Thanks in advance,

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