[FAmSCo] [Ambassadors] T-shirt for each F19 release party organizer

Abdel G. Martínez L. abdel.g.martinez.l at gmail.com
Fri May 3 13:39:21 UTC 2013

Good morning!

Great initiative. I think we should define the design for each release
party t-shit. Then, make a comparison table in which we evaluate the cost
of producing it locally or defining an central country that can distribute

Also could be an option to produce badges instead of t-shirts. This badges
will have the design of the Fedora version topic.

Best regards,

2013/5/3 Jiri Eischmann <eischmann at redhat.com>

> Hi,
> in FAmSCo, we've been discussing how to appreciate people who organize
> release parties. In the past, we always picked the best parties and gave
> their organizers some budget for a nice dinner. But picking just a few
> parties was not IMHO very fortunate because all organizers deserve some
> "thank you" gift.
> This time, we'd like to try something new. One of the ideas is to give
> every release party event owner a special Fedora 19 T-shirt.
> Before we spin off something, I'd like to start a broader discussion.
> I'm especially appealing to the regions if they can figure out what cost
> it would bring to send a T-shirt to every release party in their region
> and if they're able to produce the T-shirts locally or if it's better to
> produce them centrally for the whole world.
> The outcome of the discussion should be what the whole thing would cost
> and if ambassadors even like it and it's worth the effort. Alternative
> ideas are also welcome.
> Jiri
> --
> ambassadors mailing list
> ambassadors at lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors

*Abdel G. Martínez L.*
*Oracle IT Architecture Certified Specialist | **OCP, Java SE 6 | **OCA,
Oracle Weblogic 11g | OCA Java SE 5 & 6 | ITIL Foundation Certified
* Fedora Project Contributor
PMI Panama Member
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