[FAmSCo] NA Budget

Jiri Eischmann eischmann at redhat.com
Fri Sep 27 14:53:00 UTC 2013

Ruth Suehle píše v Út 24. 09. 2013 v 16:12 -0400:
> Here's an update on what's been spent this year. Which is to say... not much. 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FY14_Budget

There are some interesting differences between the list on this wiki
page and what we track on the community side.

For example in Q1, EMEA spent $1413 on swag (and those expenses surely
landed in RHT accounting) while the wiki page says we only spent
We spent $2307 on Chemnitzer Linux Tag (all expenses paid by the
community the Joerg's community credit card) while the page says $328.37
The same goes for LinuxTag on which we spent $2612 while the page says
$368.56 (a large chunk of the amount was unusually paid by Leslie's
credit card)
We spent $701 on shipping in Q2. It has landed in RHT accounting (I
checked with our accountant) and it's not there either.

So at least from EMEA's point of view, there are many costs missing. We
have surely spent much more and it's not only about delayed payments
because all expenses mentioned above have landed in the accounting for
sure. I don't know where the problem could be. RHT financial reporting
sucks big time, it's in the end the reason why we're doing the tracking
in the community.


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