[FAmSCo] FY15 budget breakdown

Ruth Suehle rsuehle at redhat.com
Fri Apr 11 20:05:44 UTC 2014

----- Original Message -----
> Wao we have a really accounting issue here, we follow fudcon latam
> expenses really close and we spend 15000 unless you get air plane
> tickets discounts that we do not count. If that is so then it is fine,
> on the other hand we always got our budgets divided latam and Fudcon on
> another part.

I'm counting what was actually submitted to me for reimbursement. I believe that Jared Smith also paid for quite a bit out of pocket and did not ask for reimbursement until it was too late, which may explain the difference. 

I requested that the overall Fedora budget not be cut even though it was not all spent last year. I'll reiterate, we have never spent all of a quarterly budget. I have said over and over in this thread and others that if you need to spend beyond what's in a particular budget, SIMPLY ASK. And that's the last time I'm going to say it in this thread. I'll answer other questions that that isn't going to be the answer to. 


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