[FAmSCo] kde-sig request for f21 kde live media

Robert Mayr robyduck at fedoraproject.org
Tue Dec 16 09:52:15 UTC 2014

2014-12-16 10:20 GMT+01:00 Jiri Eischmann <eischmann at redhat.com>:
> Hi Rex,
> I will look into this and try to find a solution.
> There are several things into account:
> * FAmSCo only makes suggestions, the final decision what to produce is
> up to the regions and the production is also handled and paid by them.
> * DVDs for EMEA and APAC has already been produced and delivered, so
> we'd have to make an additional order.
> * we also need to find money for it because it's the end of the fiscal
> year and I need to make sure we have money to fund it. The minimal
> expense would be $800 (for 1000, our vendor doesn't make smaller
> amounts)
> I'm inclined to make it happen despite the constraints, at least for
> EMEA where I have direct influence. I think it's important to send a
> message that other desktop spins are not second class citizens and are
> still supported by the Project. However, the DVDs won't be ready before
> the end of January. Is it still interesting for the KDE SIG or should we
> wait for F22 when we make sure it's ordered with the Workstation DVDs
> and produced right after the release?
> Jiri

Hi Jiri, Rex,
I'm not sure to be able to attend the meeting today, so I'll write down
here my thoughts about the proposal.
We are in the middle of a new way to release Fedora and many users are
still confused about the new products/flavours/editions (still trying to
find a name for them). DVD media is mainly thought for ambassadors to be
used at events where they get in contact with new end-users and probably
Fedora users who want to know more about fedora.next.
I think we discussed this in our meetings and were very near to produce
also a Server DVD which would make more sense actually, just because we
*should* promote our products in this storical moment more than anything
else. Throwing in the middle of F21 products a DVD of a specific Spin would
only increase the confusion and would give the impression a Spin is the
same as the Workstation product, just with another DE. This is not what we
want to comunicate, or am I wrong?

I'd say we should consider producing a multi-DVD of 3 Spins for F22, just
to have it separated from our main products and give the users the time to
assimilate the new concept of fedora.next. Maybe we will also switch to
other kind of F22 media (as discussed) and all this would be much easier.
Last but not least we have a clear and straight forward web comunication on
getfedora.org, because that is what we want to explain to our users at the
moment. For F22 we will have rewritten spins websites (with a better name),
and then it could be the right moment to produce some Spin media again.
For all these reasons, if you want to vote and I'm unfortunately absent
today, please count a '-1' from my side to produce it for F21. I'm still +1
for having it for F22 (and not only one Spin).
Kind regards.

Robert Mayr
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