[FAmSCo] Regional budget proposals for FY2015

Ruth Suehle rsuehle at redhat.com
Tue Feb 11 19:08:14 UTC 2014

> What just came across my mind and we haven't yet discussed in FAmSCo is
> that we might want to have some small budget above regions which FAmSCo
> would be responsible for directly because there have been activities
> that are pretty much global and are not related to any region
> specifically, for example the F19 and "10 years of Fedora" t-shirts. It
> doesn't make much sense to divide them among regions.

We're in the process of budget requests now, and I've requested that the Fedora budget not be cut any, by which I mean it's definitely not going to be higher. So we can reallocate how we track it (it doesn't make any difference to Red Hat how much we considered "LATAM" vs "NA"), but as always goes with budgeting, that just means subtracting some from somewhere else. I don't think it's a bad idea though. I always feel a little bad that things like AWS fees and the LWN membership get tracked as NA even though they're used by everyone.

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