[FAmSCo] New meeting time?

Neville A. Cross yn1v at taygon.com
Tue Nov 18 17:06:19 UTC 2014

El 2014-11-18 10:31, Christoph Wickert escribió:
> 2014-11-10 18:10 GMT+01:00 Jiri Eischmann <eischmann at redhat.com>:
>> 15:00 UTC works for me.
> Unfortunately it hardly works for me. I mean, it could make it, but
> 16:00 UTC is definitely better for me.
> Frankly speaking I am a bit surprised you guys changed the meeting
> time without a proper vote. I'm not sure we should change the meeting
> time now. We are almost at the end of the term and the new FAmSCo will
> have to look for look for a new slot anyway.
> If we are to change the time, let us please do it right. That means
> - have a vote
> - update http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_meetings
> - update https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/ambassadors/
> - make a proper announcement on ambassadors list.

I am lost. As there was comment about changing the time, I was waiting 
to have a formal communication about the new time. I can do both, but I 
prefer 16:00 UTC

Today, I connected before 16:00UTC just to find out that the meeting was 
ending :-(

I appreciate the comments of Christoph regarding proper process, but if 
we fail to that, at least can we clear which is the meeting time. I also 
agree with Christoph regarding that we are going to change time anyway 
due new members elections, or other changes.

Best regards


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