[FAmSCo] FAmSCo elections?

Truong Anh Tuan tuanta at iwayvietnam.com
Thu Oct 15 02:10:20 UTC 2015

----- On Oct 15, 2015, at 3:49 AM, Robert Mayr robyduck at fedoraproject.org wrote:

> Hi all,
> Fedora 23 is coming in two weeks and with that date we will start the F24
> release cycle. FAmSCo, which still is not dead, will be renewed and we'll have
> new elections.
> There are a lot of ongoing discussions in the council list actually, but if that
> it still the plan we need to start organizing all the single steps to have
> elections with many candidates. Probably it would be a good topic to discuss in
> a FAmSCo meeting, or if we cannot meet all, in a ticket.
> Any preferences here? Other ideas or proposals?

Thanks Robert for bringing this up.

I thought we are preparing for the new body, FOSCo election, right?


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