[FAmSCo] Is FAmSCo really dead?

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 09:38:41 UTC 2016

2016-02-12 21:35 GMT+01:00 Giannis Konstantinidis <giannis at konstantinidis.cc>:
> Is FAmSCo really dead?

"It's not dead, it just smells funny."

> As you may have noticed, the last two weekly meetings did not take place as
> we didn't reach quorum.

I have to admit I didn't attend a single meeting this term, but I
cannot change it. Because of my new job the timing does not work out
for me the way I expected.

As I'm obviously not the only one and others probably have different
reasons for not attending, I'm open to suggestions what to do.

@Tuan: Can you please fix your mail setup? When using Google, all your
mails are ending up in the spam folder as either the SPF or DCIM
records of iwayvietnam.com are messed up.

Best regards,

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