I Hate the Cashew

John5342 john5342 at googlemail.com
Sun Feb 1 17:58:56 UTC 2009

2009/2/1 Eli Wapniarski <eli at orbsky.homelinux.org>

> OK... If somebody would point me to the documentation regarding what's
> involved, I will certainly look it over and consider it.

Virtually all the documentation for becoming a package maintainer is located


The most relevant section to you is probably:


which also includes links to further help on each step.

The kde-plasma-* packages at
http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/rpms/should give you a good idea
of how to create a plasma applet package.

I haven't specifically spoken to anyone but I am confident someone in the
KDE group can look after the sponsorship aspect.

Dont get put off by the sheer size of the instructions. Once you done it
once you soon get the hang of it. There is also lots of help available on
mailing lists and irc if you need it.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary and
those who don't...
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