Can someone review some spec files for me?

Stephen Shaw sshaw at
Sat Jun 13 13:34:28 UTC 2009

On Jun 13, 2009, at 3:45 AM, David Nielsen <gnomeuser at> wrote:

> 2009/6/13 David Nielsen <gnomeuser at>
> 2009/6/13 David Nielsen <gnomeuser at>
> 2009/6/12 Stephen Shaw <sshaw at>
> 2009/6/12 David Nielsen <gnomeuser at>:
> >
> >
> > 2009/6/11 Stephen Shaw <sshaw at>
> >>
> >> Any chance that someone was able to test out those spec files?   
> They
> >> should have fedora 11 in the openSUSE Build Service soon, so as  
> soon
> >> as they do that I can test them here as well.  Should I be creating
> >> bugs for each of these spec files?
> >
> > I apologize for not having had time to do this work, but I will  
> see to it
> > tomorrow. I have been buried in other work for a while but  
> tomorrow should
> > present a few hours of peace and quiet to test these for you.
> >
> > Also congratulations on your newly appointed openSUSE council seat.
> >
> > - David
> Thanks!!!  I figured that I'd add that as well since I don't have a
> ton of thing on my plate ;)
> Also, thanks for taking a look at the packages... I did move the
> fedora directory up a level.  I'm not sure what's taking so long to
> get fedora up and running on the openSUSE Board System, but as soon as
> its there I'll start trying to get them up there as well.
> Thanks,
> Stephen
> First up:
> the base build mono-uia which we have reviewed still do not apply  
> the patch I provided which means it will not assemble a valid rpm on  
> Fedora x86_64. Then when you try to install it in asks for  
> mono(WindowsBase)  I assume our winforms or something  
> requires updating but I will need your insight here.
> Well doh, it helps when I actually install the mono-wincorefx  
> package. Okay time for more coffee
> In Fedora 11 we only have
>  gtk-sharp2-2.12.7-4.fc11.x86_64
> Is there a special reason you require 2.12.8 or can we lower the  
> requirement? If not I will need to request an update of this package  
> before we can proceed.
> _____________________________

You are awesome!  I believe that there is a hard req for 2.12.8.  We  
have been putting work into that atk stuff.

As for the dbus package, please ignore it for now.  I was purely  
interested in making sure that the spec file was ready.

As soon as I get to my computer I'll look at those patch and either  
apply them or put them I'm the fedora directory in svn.  Since  
openSUSE is the primary target we have to play by the mono teams  
rules.  Infortunately it's the odd one out. Maybe one day?  I'm going  
to at least try to keep our spec files as closer as I can other then  
the arch issue.

Thanks again!!!
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