[Fedora-spins] Proposal: Spins process amendment for Fedora 20 cycle

Adam Williamson awilliam at redhat.com
Fri Jul 5 20:18:49 UTC 2013

On 2013-07-05 10:03, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Greetings.
> I'd like to propose some changes to the spins process for F20.
> I'm sending this just to the spins and test lists first, to try and 
> hash
> out things, then we can move on to running it the devel list once we
> have more concrete plans.
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/20/Spins shall be the cannonical
> list of approved spins by the sig.
> A Milestone is one of Alpha, Beta, Final.
> A basic spin test will be created (Or perhaps we can re-use the Basic
> desktop test, or whatever QA folks would prefer). This basic spin test
> will test:
> At Alpha:
> * The image composes.
> * The image boots with any method
> * The liveuser user can login
> * The user can apply updates
> At Beta:
> * All Alpha tests, and
> * The image meets it's size goal
> * The image boots with all supported live media boot methods.
> At Final:
> * All Beta test and
> * No selinux denials on boot/login

We already have test cases for all of these. No need for new ones.

> At the Alpha milestone, all approved spins will be created by rel-eng.
> Each approved spin MUST have at least 2 people fill in the Basic spin
> test matrix for at least 1 TC or RC. If the image fails, maintainers
> can try again at the next milestone, but the image is NOT shipped for
> that milestone. if an image doesn't get 2 people filling in Basic spin
> tests, the image is dropped for that cycle and IS NOT SHIPPED FOR THAT
> RELEASE! Such images can be reapproved by the spins sig for the next
> cycle.

I think this is going way too far.

Specifically: I think *one* test for each spin is more realistic. I 
don't think we need to block spins for being oversize, or for SELinux 
denials. They're spins. I don't think we can overreach on quality 

> - Is 2 people too many? Should it just be 1? or More?

See above.

> - Are there other Basic tests we should require?

No. That's actually all we require from the *release blocking* live 
images at Alpha.

> - Is there a better way to track things than that wiki page?

Not at present, no. WikiTCMS isn't so bad once you get used to it.

Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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