[Fedora-spins] Proposal: Spins process amendment for Fedora 20 cycle

"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" johannbg at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 20:44:32 UTC 2013

On 07/05/2013 05:03 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Greetings.
> I'd like to propose some changes to the spins process for F20.
> I'm sending this just to the spins and test lists first, to try and hash
> out things, then we can move on to running it the devel list once we
> have more concrete plans.

You should rather be reaching out to the sub community surrounding those 

> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/20/Spins shall be the cannonical
> list of approved spins by the sig.
> A Milestone is one of Alpha, Beta, Final.
> A basic spin test will be created (Or perhaps we can re-use the Basic
> desktop test, or whatever QA folks would prefer). This basic spin test
> will test:
> At Alpha:
> * The image composes.
> * The image boots with any method
> * The liveuser user can login
> * The user can apply updates

You do realize at alpha we have the most fluctuation of the installer, 
the base OS stack including X right so you cannot require spins to pass 
any tests that might be affected by it right?

> At Beta:
> * All Alpha tests, and
> * The image meets it's size goal. <-- This makes resonable alpha goal we really should not be dealing with size issue after alpha not limited to spins...

> * The image boots with all supported live media boot methods.

There is no such thing as support so please stop labelling things as 
such seriously.

Any of the available boot method should suffice here.

> At Final:
> * All Beta test and

Which beta test would that be?

> * No selinux denials on boot/login

Makes sense

> At the Alpha milestone, all approved spins will be created by rel-eng.
> Each approved spin MUST have at least 2 people fill in the Basic spin
> test matrix for at least 1 TC or RC. If the image fails, maintainers
> can try again at the next milestone, but the image is NOT shipped for
> that milestone. if an image doesn't get 2 people filling in Basic spin
> tests, the image is dropped for that cycle and IS NOT SHIPPED FOR THAT
> RELEASE! Such images can be reapproved by the spins sig for the next
> cycle.


It should be sufficient for a single individual to go through all 
related tests for a spin.

People creating spins should be allowed to create sub community 
surrounding their spins and will not be able to do that with those 
insane requirements.

> At the Beta milestone, only those images that got testing in the Alpha
> milestone will be produced.
> At the Final milestone, only those images that were tested at the Beta
> release will be produced.
> The http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/20/Spins page will be
> enhanced with a 'Alpha/Beta/Final' field, where we can note what spins
> are in what state.
> Questions/Feedback needed on:
> - Is 2 people too many? Should it just be 1? or More?
> - Are there other Basic tests we should require?
> - Is there a better way to track things than that wiki page?
> - Is there a good way to make sure all spins maintainers are aware of
>    these changes and are not surprised by them?
> Anything else?
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/spins

Bear in mind that anything you decide here should be applicable to the 
Gnome live spin as well.


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