Q: handling of multiple <analysis> elements.

Alec Leamas leamas.alec at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 09:16:45 UTC 2013

So, I'm backl...

While working with the fedora stuff there is a need to transform 
analysis elements using xslt. While it's perfectly doable on a single 
element, it does not scale very well. The natural solution is to apply 
the xsl file to a stream af analyse elements. For this to work (xslt 
requires well-formed input) the analysis elements must be wrapped in a 
root container element.

Now, this is not hard, I've been using <analyses-container>. My question 
is just if there is a general need to standardize not only <analysis> 
but also container element holding some of these?

And yes, I'm not that fluent in xml...


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