Streaming sessions

Tom Callaway tcallawa at
Tue Jul 2 20:44:01 UTC 2013

On 07/02/2013 04:27 PM, Ruth Suehle wrote:
> Ooyala is going to help us with streaming Flock sessions. We just need
> equipment. "Just." I'm trying to stretch budgets from everywhere just to
> get all of Flock happening, so there's not a lot leftover for buying
> camera equipment! Possibly some, but I don't think I can swing enough
> for nine rooms. 
> Thus, two questions: 
> - Can anyone suggest reasonably inexpensive cameras I should look at
> purchasing? Whatever is the least expensive that isn't going to be so
> low quality, it's useless. 
> - Does anyone have a video camera suitable that you'd be willing to lend
> to the cause? We'd have it set up in the rooms all day, but of course
> you're welcome to take it back to your hotel for safekeeping at night. 
> Here's the information from Ooyala about how we can do the streaming.
> There are two options: 

Red Hat Westford has at least two video cameras that I am aware of, I'll
ask to see if we can use them. I also have a personal video camera (its
a few years old, but it should work).


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