Video recording and streaming

Miro Hrončok mhroncok at
Thu Jun 26 09:03:46 UTC 2014


I've managed a fair deal about video (and audio) streaming and recording.

Here's the deal:

- we will have 4 cameras available from AVC*, for free

- one technician from AVC will supervisor *us* recording the talks and
workshops (for 150 CZK per hour, i.e. ~ 370 USD total)

- we will provide volunteers that would control the cameras during the
talks (aim it at the speaker)

- we need to provide one PC with at least i5 CPU and one USB3 port
(laptop is fine), they need to install their OS to do some magic - I
guess Red Hat Brno might provide this?

- the video will be instantly available on youtube

- if we don't want to volunteer, we can pay for 4 cameramen and do
nothing (~ 1480 USD), but I think that's not necessary.

If everyone is OK with that, I can set up a wiki page for volunteers, as
it was last year.

* AVC is the audiovisual center of the university
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok

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