[Fedora-fonts-list] [Bug 490609] Font selector is limiting styles for default aliases

pango (bugzilla.gnome.org) bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.gnome.org
Fri Oct 26 19:00:59 UTC 2007

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  pango | general | Ver: unspecified

------- Comment #4 from Owen Taylor  2007-10-26 19:00 UTC -------
But imagine that one of the fonts way down in the big list of fonts in
Sans, had an unusual style name, maybe, "Very Stretched". Would you really
want that to appear when they selected Sans, when sans is Deja Vu?

So that implies that maybe it should be just the top font sorted according
to the language of the current locale. But the locale doesn't always 
correspond to the document I'm working on or the text I'm typing.

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You can add comments to this bug at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=490609.

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