The goose OpenType eggs holds...

Vasile Gaburici vgaburici at
Sun Jul 20 21:48:46 UTC 2008

I've found CFF OpenType versions of the ghostscript URW fonts. AFAICT,
they are well done: have kerning pairs (using the correct 'kern'
feature for CFF files), has ligatures etc. They also fix the missing
mappings for Romanian (no locl table yet...). The only troublesome
point may that the author of the conversion seems to want to remain
anonymous. The license of the fonts is still GPL. Here is the
copyright notice that accompanies them:

 Copyright of the contents of OpenType fonts package

The upstream sources of this package are available at

This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public

The copyright of each font is included in the fonts files as a comment
near the start of each file.

The OTF font files themselves have the original URW copyright.  Does
anyone have a problem shipping these with Fedora?

Package (as found) link:

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