Fwd: Gnu FreeFont -- new release

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Wed Nov 12 12:28:50 UTC 2008

Le Lun 15 septembre 2008 04:37, Jens Petersen a écrit :
> I am not really familiar with this font, but since it covers quite a
> number of scripts it looks interesting at least, so forwarding for any
> comments?  Would it be useful to include in Fedora?

I think it's already in fedora in the "freefont" package, but this
package needs to be updated and reworked to conform to guidelines

freefont has a poor reputation in font design circles, where many
people consider the project was too quick to add glyphs that were not
always of the best quality.

Nicolas Mailhot

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