Fedora-fonts-list Digest, Vol 16, Issue 14

Stephen Carter evets25 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 15:04:39 UTC 2009

> Our wishlist stood at 56 entries for last report. It has now reached the
> 76 entries watermark. The current fonts packagers are clearly unable to
> cope with Fedora demands, fresh blood is needed before it moves into
> 3-digits land.

Well then in that case, you may be happy to hear that you have a new
fonts packager: me. ^.^

My name is Stephen, and I'm a student in the LUX program at Seneca
College in Toronto Canada, studying Linux. For a class project, I will
be packaging up as many fonts as I can, and (hopefully) getting them
into Fedora. I'm a little late in getting into contact with the
community, but hey, better late than never! To start off, I've already
got one font packaged up and ready for review (Epigrafica - I had a
couple others, but I see they're no longer on the wishlist), but I'm not
quite sure where to go from here. I'd like to get these started into the
review process, but I've never done that before so... yeah, what do I do

I'm mostly clear on the technical details of making the packages, but
I'm unfamiliar with the whole process for getting the package approved
and whatnot. If someone could point me in the next direction, that would
be great!

Also, I'm on IRC a lot, is there an IRC channel where I could ask
questions specifically related to fonts-packaging?

You can reach me at <scarter4 AT learn DOT senecac DOT on DOT ca> or,
reply to this address.


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