
Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) bochecha at
Wed Jan 28 20:17:33 UTC 2009


I'm packaging Waste's Edge in Fedora. That's a fantasy role playing
game, and as such, it needs a nice font.

Currently, one is shipped by upstream bundled with the code. Moreover,
the font shipped is not free. This is bad, so the font must be removed
from the Fedora package.

Upstream isn't really willing to fix this, but he agrees on me
removing the font from the package and using another one, as long as
it "looks nice". :)

My question here, to the guys who have all knowledge about fonts in
Fedora, could someone indicate me a font that could be used ?

Here are examples of what it currently looks like: (the font used by menu items)

I tried with DejaVu or other fonts available in Fedora, but the result
wasn't great. For example, for DejaVu, the letter are too thin, which
made the text hard ot read (because of the shadow surrounding the

(of course, if I can find a nice free font, I might be able to
convince upstream to switching to it for its next release)

Anyone here knows a nice font ? :)



Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
French Fedora Ambassador

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

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