missing in comps

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Wed Aug 22 13:40:52 UTC 2012

Le Mer 22 août 2012 14:41, Akira TAGOH a écrit :

> Aha. that was great. thanks.
> That reminds me that Packagers may also be missing the fonts page on wiki.
> So that may be worth reminding reviewers too to make sure if packagers is
> following to the steps on wiki[1] how to package fonts?
> [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Font_package_lifecycle

I think this page is useful for packagers and reviewers so yes, it's a
good idea to point people to it when they don't know about it. (and if SIG
members wish to improve it, there are no locks on it, and it may need a
little refresh since it was not updated recently)

I don't know how to give it more visibility though.

Nicolas Mailhot

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