default font list for f17

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Fri Mar 9 19:04:35 UTC 2012

Le Ven 9 mars 2012 18:30, Qianqian Fang a écrit :
> On 03/09/2012 12:07 PM, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>> Then the authors of those pages should declare they are in Chinese, so
>> the tools don't have to guess the language.
>> If they
>> don't it's a website bug.
> that's incorrect, because fontconfig does produce
> a "guessed" value, which is Japanese, after all,
> and that is the exact problem I was talking about.

> the issue is not in pango, but in fontconfig.

No the issue is that you're putting the font stack in a situation where it's
guessing and can't produce reliable results.

Have your Chinese pages properly declare they are in Chinese as the w3c
recommends for i18n sites and you won't have any problems.

Nicolas Mailhot

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