Questions about bundled fonts

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Mon Mar 12 10:13:32 UTC 2012

Le Dim 11 mars 2012 23:20, Bruno Wolff III a écrit :
> I am looking at updating egoboo to 2.8.1 and it includes 5 ttf files
> that it didn't before (and the one it had been using was dropped).
> ./basicdat/Bo_Chen.ttf
> ./basicdat/Squerkle.ttf
> ./basicdat/Mael.ttf
> ./basicdat/Egobooish.ttf
> ./basicdat/Gnomish_digital.ttf
> How do I check if these are at least free enough not to have to scrub
> them from the source rpm?

You need to identify the upstream site and check there what is the font
licensing. To do that look at the font metadata either in fontforge or in
gnome font preview.

Even if the metadata says it's non-free many fonts have broken metadata
(upstream relicenses but does not update the font metadata) so it's always a
good idea to look at the upstream website

> If they are free enough to use, what do I need to do to use them in Fedora?
> Do they need to be in separate subpackages?

If they are free enough the best solution is to have them packaged separately
from the upstream version. If it can't be found you can create a subpackage
per font using the versions in egoboo  as source

If they are not free, more the pity as there is a ton of free fonts to choose
from at google and oflb nowadays, which can all be packaged in Fedora.

Nicolas Mailhot

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