Supplemental punctuation, specifically half brackets.

Peter Easthope peter at
Wed Mar 14 18:51:47 UTC 2012


I have an OLPC XO-1.5 with Fedora remix, Build 883, 11.3.0.

Half brackets are not rendered in Firefox.
Given a suitable font, they should be visible in this page.

TOP LEFT HALF BRACKET for example is U+2E22.

Fonts containing the half bracket are listed here.

Are these glyphs rendered in any Fedora?

Can anyone tell me which Fedora package, if any, contains
a font containing half brackets?  Once a font containing the
half brackets is present, what else is needed to allow Firefox
to render them?

Thanks, ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  bcc: peter at

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