For the next FUDCon: open source event recording

Mel Chua mel at
Sat Nov 21 03:00:37 UTC 2009

 >     Did you know that we did this last FUDCon in NA?  I recorded and
 >     streamed a few rooms actually.  Chris Tyler, Colby Hoke and
 >     others (I forget everyone's names, please forgive me) have also
 >     done video recording, though I don't know if their entire process
 >     was FOSS.
 >     For my part, I used darkice with icecast to stream ogg/vorbis and
 >     recorded in the same.

Thanks, Clint! I'd heard that people were recording the last NA FUDCon 
and saw folks roaming Boston with cameras, but wasn't sure of the details.

> I am on this list as well and am happy to answer any questions about the
> software.

Awesome - thanks for the offer, Andrew (I'm sure we'll be taking you up 
on asking those questions. ;)

> We'd love to record FUDCon. Our challenge is that we need to cover some
> costs for travel for a few guys familiar with how to set up and run &
> some gear. We're happy to reduce costs by using local volunteers and
> ideally teach a bunch of people about the software and enable them to go
> forth and record other events as well. It takes about 15 minutes or so
> to learn.

This sounds like a great thing to target for our next NA FUDCon, imo. 
Out of curiosity, is this setup something that will always require 
in-person training, or will it eventually be something a few smart folks 
could build and figure out (with help from docs) in, say, an afternoon?

If the latter, when - and what needs to be done? Is this the kind of 
thing a FAD focused on FUDCon infrastructure (recording system + 
conference planning web system) would be appropriate for? (Is this a kit 
we'd want to have to pass around Fedora-land, with replication and usage 
instructions? I don't know, but I'm tossing out the idea anyhow.)

> I talked with Paul and few others on this list about doing this earlier
> with ePresence. That didn't work out for financial reasons. For reasons
> explained in my blog, there were significantly different economics and
> unfortunate licensing changes involved. I guess the bottom line is that
> we need $3K to cover costs associated with this. If we can raise this or
> more, we're good to record and very happy to do so.

Looking at our budget spreadsheet before another round of detailed 
number-crunching, we've got about $300 left (which we need for buffer 
room), so this is unfortunately something we're going to be able to 
sponsor from our pot this round.

Andrew, I see from the pre-reg list that you'll be at FUDCon - will 
anyone else from the project be there too? Combining forces with Clint, 
Yaakov, and other documentarians at the event might make for a fun BoF 
lunch one day, and it'd be great to figure out the various options we 
have for making this happen at a future FUDCon.


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