Planning meetings between now + FUDCon

Mel Chua mchua at
Fri Oct 9 18:00:24 UTC 2009

Paul and I both have a Travel Schedule of AWESOME between now and 
FUDCon. (Or Travel Schedule of DOOM, as some have phrased it; I'm still 
in the "Oh boy, oh boy, TRAVEL!!!" phase of my life, so I stand by my 
choice of adjective.)

Our schedules match in such a way that one or both of us will be around 
to stay atop stuff on any given week, *except* for 11/12, when Paul will 
be in Australia and I will be in Singapore. Chris, would you be able to 
chair that one and drive the FUDBus for the week?

For reference/transparency-fu, our remaining regular meetings:

10/15: Paul and I will be hanging out with Max + Greg + Karsten in 
Raleigh this week, so FUDCon planning should solidify considerably 
(though I think we're already doing very well).

10/22: life as normal. (Note that Mel will be in Toronto starting 10/23, 
if local stuff is needed.)

10/29: Mel at our lovely host site of Seneca, with Chris for FSOSS; 
Chris, want to sit next to each other for that week's FUDCon IRC 
meeting? I'll come find you wherever you are on campus then.

11/5: life as normal.

11/12: Aforementioned Week of Traveleage, with Paul in Australia and Mel 
in Singapore. Need someone else to drive this week.

11/19: life as normal.

11/26: life as normal.

12/3: life as normal. or as close to normal as it gets the week before a 
FUDCon, anyway.

Just a fyi,


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