
Paul W. Frields stickster at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 14:19:32 UTC 2009

Good news: I've rearranged the budget page with a spangly new table
that attempts to lay out how we can split costs between Q3 and Q4, and
between the budgets for Community Architecture (Max) and Fedora
Engineering (Spot/me).

Bad news: We're over budget, significantly -- almost $3K.

Points to consider:

* Do a much cheaper lunch on Sunday + Monday, or drop it entirely
  (Save $1-2K)

* If FAmNA's sponsorship covers two of the listed community attendees,
  that saves approximately $1.2K.

* Cut per diem (meals) that we fund for Red Hat attendees.  Probably
  not too painful, and may save us as much as $1K total.

* Airfares listed are approximate.  We need each of the people being
  funded, whether they're on the Fedora Engineering team or the
  Community Architecture team, to get proper airfares into the table
  ASAP.  If the difference is high enough to justify it for any
  individual, we may need to make arrangements for specific people to
  fly into BOS, stay overnight with someone in our community, and take
  the bus to Toronto.

Any other ideas for how we can cut costs?

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
  http://redhat.com/   -  -  -  -   http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/
  irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug

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